How would the mods and BB members feel about a section on the board that compiles a "links" section? In it, members can submit website links for Model and Prototypical Websites. We could also include a section for on-line retailers and manufacturers. (Not sure about that last one as it may be seen as promoting one over the other, however I don't see how, especially if you include "everybody".)

Memebers can submit links to the mods and then the mods can decide whether or not to add it to the list.

We hae a section for member's pages here:

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1453&start=0</a><!-- l -->

Dont know about commercial links
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Commercial/retail links can be posted in the Equipment and Supplies forum, within reason. It has a thread of favourite hobby shops (be sure to include geographical info) and also where to find hard-to-find products (such as insulation in California Wink ). It is not designed to be an exhaustive list of all links for all things/stores/suppliers. Think of it as a "Gauge-member recommended" section.

Prototype info can be filed in any of the three Real World forums - Canada, USA, and International.

We don't have anything specifically for model sites, but Mikey's list is a good start of ones maintained by our own members. Perhaps we should think on it a bit. Smile I know there are a few "showcase" sites I wouldn't mind linking to.

I was thinking more along the lines of an index page. A merging of all the links posted onto a single page that members could access all on-line sources.


If you are looking for indexed links, the NMRA maintains a site covering all aspects, including retail and proto sites: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I don't think that we have the resources to do such a thing, especially where it duplicates the efforts of others.

MasonJar Wrote:If you are looking for indexed links, the NMRA maintains a site covering all aspects, including retail and proto sites: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I don't think that we have the resources to do such a thing, especially where it duplicates the efforts of others.

I agree, it isn't something that's built into the coding here and would require a bit of labor-intensive work for someone to keep it up. And as we've seen in the past, things change and we usually wind up with a bunch of broken links after a while, again, requiring someone to keep on top of things.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Not a bad idea, Shane, but I'm not sure how many Members would fully participate. For example, if someone posted a link, either as part of a reply to a thread, or within a topic-starting post, how many of them would bother to also post it into a compilation thread of such links? And while we try to "keep tabs" on all posts, it's unlikely that the staff will catch every one that needs to be moved. I also think that those interested in a topic would appreciate having any pertinent links readily available within the topic thread - easy enough to leave a copy there, of course, but then the compilation could become, for the most part, redundant.
As for the Mods "policing" the links on an "as-submitted" basis, I'd prefer to trust our Members to self-regulate their submissions. Wink Goldth

Yup, moderating an internet forum is a tireless and thankless job most of the time. The mods are here to keep the riff-raff to a minimum, kill the spammers, and be sources of info for the rest of us....more often than not.

Wayne brings up a good point, and in continuing on the above, why not do it yourself? If you believe that such a feature would be useful, then take it upon yourself to create an index of links.
Ok...I can take a hint. :?

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