CV29 settings
I just want to know if CV29 uses the same table from all manufactures. I need to reverse the normal direction of one of my PA1's for an ABA consist. I come up with a value of 35 for cv29 which changes direction 28 speed steps and no dc operation. I'm using the MRC 1803 decoder.
Thanks all
Charlie, i have changed the direction of an engine with the stock decoders in atlas engines, but i havent done it with an MRC decoder.
i have done some checking, and your decoder should meet NMRA DCC standard practices RP-9.22. The way i understand it, hit CV#29, enter the value 0 for normal direction, and 1 for reverse direction.

i havent tested this, but it would be worth a try Wink , if it didnt work, it would be easy to redo by just going back into CV#29 and putting in the value of 0 , let me know if it worked.
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Along the lines of what Deano said, my understanding (from years ago, mind you) is that to change the direction of travel, add 1 to whatever value you would otherwise be using. # of speed steps and other factors determine what value you want, adding 1 will change the direction of travel.

The CV value of 35 did the job. That makes it DCC only, 28/128 speed steps and reverses the normal.
I would guess it is NMRA compliant. It would not take that much to document things like this in the instructions. Thanks for the replys guys.

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