A rebuild is underway!....
........at least on paper. I have grown to admit that my current layout, while fairly large has it's issues and I am determined to rectify these and have a go at the tear down/reconstruction. My current layout has 2 main flaws. Too much hidden trackage: hard to clean and maintain. Too long a reach in some areas making it very difficult to scenic well. I have drawn and redrawn a bunch of layout configurations before settling on really the only way I can make this work in such a strange space.

The area comprises 16 feet x 31 feet. It must deal with an "L" shaped area and a support column. I'm settling on 3 extra long passing sidings to give the illusion of double track.

I sketched out the layout's configuration and drew in major tracks. The railroad will consist of 3 sections each with its own "blob" shaped ends to allow turn back curves on each. This should give a decent mainline run and allow for continuous running.

The way I am envisioning this is such: A train can leave the freight yard heading west through a gritty urban city scene and progress to the middle section after passing through farmlands. The middle section will have a double sided back drop down the middle and pass a small town, through a mountain tunnel and another small town on the other side before heading on to the 3rd (left hand section). This will be a coastal area before turning into a hilly rural area. This section also has to deal with the support column which may have to be hidden with another double sided backdrop.

I didn't draw in any other sidings or spurs at this point. I want to avoid big industry and concentrate on smaller lineside industries that can be switched along the way. I drew in a possible configuration for an engine terminal and a very basic freight yard. The yard measures about 10 feet long and will need to have an ice house and icing track as well. I would like to incorporate an interchange but don't have any ideas for such at this point.

Please feel free to jump in with criticisms, ideas and suggestions!

[Image: RRrebuildoccupyingspace.jpg]

Matt, I am certainly no design expert, but the rough plan looks good to me. Are the squares on the graph paper equal to 6" x 6"?
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Gary S Wrote:Matt, I am certainly no design expert, but the rough plan looks good to me. Are the squares on the graph paper equal to 6" x 6"?

Yep. 2 squares to the foot. Don't feel bad. I am terrible at design! Me and computer planning software have huge issues and even though it may be worth it in the long run, the learning curve on even the supposedly simple atlas software drives me to.....well....this : Wallbang !!!

I can have the patience to super detail model rr scenes for days on end but have about zilch for computers.

Matt, I like the long mainline run, the sizable yard, and the separation of scenes. As a modeler who also has a decent long mainline on a continuous run track plan I'd encourage you to find a way to include some staging tracks that will allow you to move trains "on and off" the layout. I hadn't made any provision for them on my pike and regretted it. I've since managed to add a couple of short staging tracks and a carfloat to provide a link to the outside world, but wish I had a way to move long trains on and off the layout.

Keep us posted! Thumbsup
Thanks Ralph...I have in my minds eye a removable "cassette" staging area of 2 or 3 tracks that can be added to the layout while operating and taken off and stored underneith when not in use.

Cat Proofing.............This subject has been beat around the forum world for many years and threads like these tend to take on the atmosphere of jokes aplenty and no real solutions. At least I've never seen a solution that will work in my world!

The problem...4 cats. Two are too fat and lazy to get on the layout. The other two are lean, nimble and eager. One of those 2 is stealthy and can slink around the layout without disturbing a tree, piece of rolling stock or any minute bit of detail. The other one though, is like a feline version of the Tasmanian Devil. Where he passes, destruction ensues.

Shutting the cats out of the railroad room is out of the question. That would require moving 2 litter boxes to the living areas upstairs and that would be no good. (electric shocks, dogs and machine guns are also not options). When nobody is home to nail the cat with a squirt bottle is when the problems arise.

The cats are part of the family and not leaving. Therefore we all must learn to live together in peace and harmony!

Since I am at the stage where I want to do a complete overhaul/re-build on my current layout, I want to incorporate a cat proofing solution into the overall design. I need to prevent cat access to the under side. Idea: Run the fascia entirely down to the floor and build in a couple access doors.

I need to prevent access to the layout's surface.

Idea: Use thin, bendable plexiglass panels that extend high enough to foil a cat's efforts at flying leaps. These panels could be slid in and out as necessary and could be attached by sliding into some type of channel mounted to the fascia. Any ideas on how to make a channel or groove to slide the plexiglass into or any other serious ideas would be welcome. Thanks in advance!

Another thing that may discourage the cats is to have a flimsy "shelf" that cantilevers out from the edge of the layout about 4 inches. My cat is wary of jumping up on anything that looks "flimsy". Corrugated cardboard may work, as could thin plastic (like the stuff campaign signs are made from :| Icon_twisted ). If the cat tries to jump on it and the footing is not solid, the cat will immediately jump down and become scared of jumping there again.
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one of the latest cat repelers that i have come across is the use of motion detector,s that one guy has it turn on a boom box with a tape of him yelling GET DOWN the other user detector to turn on a relay that opens a air valve causing a loud blast of air clearing the aera of the feline intruder.
Back when i had a pair of cats, i broke them of jumping up on the kitchen counters and dining room table with what was essentially a super soaker; a pump-up plant mister that with about twenty pumps, could shoot a forceful stream of water about fifteen feet or so. As they would leave the ground, I'd nail 'em with the water. In only about two weeks, they stopped even looking up at the counters!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
P5se Camelback Wrote:Back when i had a pair of cats, i broke them of jumping up on the kitchen counters and dining room table with what was essentially a super soaker; a pump-up plant mister that with about twenty pumps, could shoot a forceful stream of water about fifteen feet or so. As they would leave the ground, I'd nail 'em with the water. In only about two weeks, they stopped even looking up at the counters!

Yea, that works if you are there when the crime is committed. The problems for me arise when no-one is home. The head feline gangster is extremely smart (bordering on genius) and knows that he can do what he wants when nobody is looking. When he's around people he's Mr. purr-box, roll at your feet, totally innocent, never does anything wrong cat. It's when nobody's around he turns into Mr. Hyde. His name is Simon but I've re-named him "Destructor."

Ah! I know the type!

We must develop an outrageously demonic strategy to "defeet" his cunning slyness that could only be developed by a bunch of old incorrigible reprobates like us! 8-) Icon_twisted

Time to think ... just give us time to think ... sometimes its not a matter of getting mad, it's a matter of getting even! :mrgreen:

This problem has been put in a stew pot with the lid on and the heat rolled back to simmer ... cogitaion has begun ... time ... that's what is needed here ... Thumbsup 8-)

Edit: I was compelled to correct a couple of typos!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
357 After I'm done laughing myself into hyperventilation I can start to think again!!!! I read this to my wife who was none too thrilled at the descriptions of our cute kitty...hee hee

Our orange fizzy has had me doing all sorts of things. I did put a door at the top of the basement stairs, then had to put a latch on it. We've gone back to having it open. I put plexiglass panels around a couple of his access areas -- he avoids one now as it all collapsed when he tried to jump on it. The other area was a straight jump from the floor, the workbench, the bookcase or the sofa -- one end was snapped off! This area is under the windows and i think he sees things going by.
My claim is that a cat never knocks anything down accidentally.
Moderato ma non troppo
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Enough of feline issues for the moment. I'll be crossing that bridge soon enough as it is. Not sure if this trackplan doodle is going to work out due to the fact that my better half had given me most of the basement up to the support pillar on the left side peninsula area. Not around or past it. Haven't brought this subject up yet.

Anyhow, de-construction is under way regardless. Most structures removed and trees as well. Next will be removing rock out croppings and salvaging as much brush and bushes as possible before smashing down hills and mountains.

Not a pretty site in my layout room!!!

Saltwater Cowboy Wrote:Not a pretty site in my layout room!!!

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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