Introducing The PistonBroke Line
Methinks the Boys are looking after the goose that lays the golden eggs and have built a chook house.
( Is that.. "fowl house"... in America speak?)

Anyway here is the chook house
[Image: img_0205_00.jpg]
With the little woofer's abode beside it.

So now lets fly over and see what those Kramers have been up to
[Image: img_0226.jpg]

I see they have not got around to fixing up the fence as yet
[Image: img_0227.jpg]

And they have left the Honey Blonde to fix the roof ( Warren knows how to pick his hired help)
[Image: img_0228.jpg]
The builders told me that she is a true blonde.

The grape vine seems to be flourishing, but looks like they ran out of paint for the old outhouse in the bottom corner
[Image: img_0229.jpg]

Now to put it somewhere on the layout...
[Image: img_0231.jpg]

Maybe a dead tree in front?
[Image: img_0238.jpg]

Or maybe a forest at the back
[Image: img_0223.jpg]

Humour me while I finish off the roll in the camera for the Kramer's Portfolio
[Image: img_0232.jpg]

[Image: img_0233.jpg]

A couple more
[Image: img_0235.jpg]

[Image: img_0234.jpg]

I think I will put a low hedge along these sides of the board to merge it with the rest of the country side or maybe a wire fence along the edge of the hill overlooking the railway line,....and then onto the next project. 35

I just noticed that the house is full of women, I don't know what sort of an omen that is Warren, but be careful man, be very careful. 357

Adiose men have to get back to building the Railway.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Nice work Jack! Thumbsup
Very nice work Jack, and what a sense of humor! Whose kit is that?
Nice work.
Kramer Construction?....Giddiup!
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Thanks gentlemen.
jglfan Wrote:Very nice work Jack, and what a sense of humor! Whose kit is that?
You be too kind Gary, I am in awe of your layout with the size and workmanship on it I become envious, and realise my limitations pretty quickly. :oops:
The build was a little Kingsmill kit I think. Nothing too flash or strenuous and a nice relaxer.

Yep Ed, those Kramers are looking for work, so I will have to see what's up next. :hey:

..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
OBJack Wrote:Methinks the Boys are looking after the goose that lays the golden eggs and have built a chook house.
( Is that.. "fowl house"... in America speak?)
"Chook House"........Chicken coop, I know. What a goose "dwelling" would be called?? (shrug smilie here)

By the looks of the "property", that goose hasn't laid a golden egg in several generations. (has it been cooked yet? Big Grin )
Excellent scene! Nicely done!....and humorously presented! Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers
I'm with everyone else in response to the recent pics of that home scene with the coop and other details. Very nicely done and lots of fun! I like the willow tree too. You don't see many of those on layouts but it looks just right.
Thanks for the kind words Ralph and Sumpter, I am enjoying these kits. Even 'though it is only a matter of reading the instructions, (if only I could. )
I would not survive in the world of scratch building which I admire from so many of your posts. Nope
And I still have not embedded the scene into the layout just yet.... I need to get the hang of what the final detailing of the area will be composed of so may want to move it a wee bit one way or another.

And so Warren can now start to crack the whip, and get his workforce on the job seeing as they have a roof over their heads at last.

I think those Kramer Boys were heading off to the Docks again for another job, but alas I think they have to go past the Pub to get there ........Soooooo.........I'm not to sure when they will start work again.

[Image: booze.gif][Image: dorstig6wi.gif]

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
I really wish I had the proper words. The building is great, but the landscaping is what sets it off.
2 thumbs up.
Cheers Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
Charlie and Sarge, thanks for the comments.
So to press on,.... another working week starts for for those Kramer Boys after a well earned break from the toils of life.
Although I must say, while down at Docklands the other day looking at the building site, I did see one of the boys at the beach enjoying the company of the fairer sex, and he asked me to take a photo for him

Cool... OK
[Image: img_0266.jpg]
There they are, she is even waving to the camera.......bless her little heart. :mrgreen:

And a Photo the Boys received of their next project down at Docklands
[Image: img_0237.jpg]

Ahh, the building material seems to have just arrived on site
[Image: img_0236.jpg]

Time to tell the Boys ....

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Wonder what he's staring at.
Looks pretty cool so far.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
OBJack, I honestly cannot say what I am enjoying the most - your incredible layout or your rollicking narrative! Both are equally deserving. Icon_lol Thumbsup
Hey ya Ed and Mountainman, thanks for coming along on the ride. Cheers
Here is is a bit more of the journey to stretch the imagination, and keep those little grey cells working.

The painters have been and gone...... long ago by the looks
[Image: img_0247.jpg]

The Boys got busy and soon had the walls of the first two structures up
[Image: img_0253.jpg]
Oh Oh. What are they doing in the Pic?..... maybe he can't get rid of her, and the family as well now...

and 'round the back
[Image: img_0254.jpg]
Oh no not again, and she is still waving!! Eek

Woah all the walls are up, good work boys :whwh:
[Image: img_0258.jpg]

Even some rafters are up, I will take a closer look a bit later and post some pics, but I had better go and warn this fellow that he should be working , and about the company he is keeping.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
WoW...Those Kramer boys work at warp speed....Company or no company.. Goldth
That last project is looking really good..!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).

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