Freelance 2013-2 (MAW)
Looking very good! That is a great mini scene!
Reinhard,That's a dirty nasty looking factory.. :o

That's exactly the type of industrial buildings we need to model.

Kudos Sir! Thumbsup

You nailed it.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Thank you for the kind words. Big Blue is an excellent class room to learn from others how to do so many things e.g. that kind of detailing. I will keep looking, copying and learning (and sometimes improving Wink ).

I am currently beefing up this old building. The brick wall was made of paper and suffered severe from wash and weathering.
[Image: IMG_2733_zpsf7a20e2a.jpg]

It became styrene with the usual wash etc. The roof became evergreen metal siding replacing a plain gray plain and the foundation became concrete. Weathering is important for old industrial buildings.
[Image: IMG_2742_zpsaaf2bf27.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2743_zps7c20440f.jpg]
The roof is a prefect candidate for dry brushing.
[Image: IMG_2745_zps6721f4ac.jpg]

ps. The building is still only "put" on the former grass until it is finished to be integrated into the ground cover.
The old building got a beef up and looks like a run-down building now. That is the urbanization of an ISL Confusedhock:
The decision to apply some graffiti decals or not is postponed
[Image: IMG_2746_zpsfbfa8232.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2747_zps632f0834.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2748_zpsafaf37c2.jpg]

The building will be "planted" into the ground when I do my next dirty session on the layout.
Looks good. I noticed that you have a long brick wall to keep away trespassers, why not put in an operating fence towards the street end that the crew would have to unlock to switch that track. Im trying to figure out a way to incorporate an operational gate on my layout also.
Rscott417 Wrote:... put in an operating fence towards the street end that the crew would have to unlock to switch that track.....
That is a very good idea. The space required should be no problem. May be I try a simple manual operated gate.
Made a quick photo and put an old piece of fence at the best possible location. That could be a perfect fit.
[Image: IMG_2750_zps1bba0679.jpg]
Some time later (37 minutes Wink ) a first quick and dirty "proof of concept" gate. I will paint the posts gray tomorrow (the CA glue is not set now) and stay with it until I find thin brass tube to replace the thick styrene tube swinging on a brass wire now. May be the gate fence should have a better frame too. The manual operation is fine at that location.
It was done by Kurt and Lance but I had no use for a operational gate at that times as I have now. Thanks again for a great kick in the a.... 357
[Image: IMG_2751_zpsb976fab8.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2752_zpsc0755b27.jpg]
Well that was fast lol. Looks like a good fit, great work as usual.
That chain link gate looks like a perfect place to keep a nice piece of private varnish from your favorite RR. Want to have one on my LAJ. Looking at getting a Santa Fe heavyweight observation car.
Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler
One night of sleep solved the problem. I changed the design and put the thick pipe in the ground and soldered the brass wire to the brass gate. Looks much better. The short visible gray pipe is a 0.5 cm distance holder to keep the gate over the rails.
[Image: IMG_2753_zpsf6e450aa.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2754_zps1b381812.jpg]
Looks good with the barbed wire, is that a kit or scratch built?
Rscott417 Wrote:Looks good with the barbed wire, is that a kit or scratch built?

The gate is made of two elements of "Micron Art Part # 93405". e.g. from Walthers
The gates are a nice detail and the weathering of the ware house makes it perfect to the scene. Great work!
Text step in the transition from a rural to an urban ISL is the replacement of the country grain silos with another industry. I will use the George Roberts Printing Inc. kit from Walthers as a base for that.
There are two remarks why I choose that model
1. Industry buildings with a concrete skeleton are very common and I did find them also on many layouts. I thought it is time to have one by my own.
2. The basic structure is extreme simple. Those prototype looks like a perfect example for a scratch build model. The caveat is that the concrete skeleton must be perfect square or it looks lousy. My individual implementation of a right angle somewhere between 85° and 95° is a poor base for that undertaking. Conclusion is to get the Walthers kit and do kit bashing. 357
[Image: IMG_2755_zps405e0a41.jpg]

Some time later is the raw front wall cut, rough sanded and glued.
[Image: IMG_2756_zps5fec2891.jpg]

The glue set, filler is applied, again set and later sanded. That all set real quickly and I could proceed with concrete and brick paint.
[Image: IMG_2757_zpsfad98ba7.jpg]
Some progress with the walls.
[Image: IMG_2758_zps4e23b7dc.jpg]

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