Full Version: Passenger station in SLP-Mexico
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Last time I went to visit my kids/grandkids in Mexico, I took a little jaunt to the old downtown area of the city, and, to my surprise....the old passenger station is being refurbished with the intent of turning into a RR museum. Here are a few pics I took of the station as it stands now. The station is a late 40's design, and from its size, RR travel, as in most places, was at its peak, so it's a very sizable building. Back in the days when rail travel was essentially the only alternative for any kind of long distance travel I took several trips out of this station.

A viem looking west....
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A closer look at the clock tower....
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The ticket counter...
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The train schedule board...
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The waiting platform...Most of this area was once filled with tracks...Now it's turned into a parking lot... Curse
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[Image: DSCF1733.jpg]
You can see the clock tower a ways back....

And finally, a couple of goodies that were parked in one of the tracks...presumably to be restored and housed at the museum-to-be...
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[Image: DSCF1739.jpg]
Can anyone tell me what type of loco this is..?

Hope you enjoy this little vignette of RR happenings south of the border...
Is there some kind of tank on top of that green car? And what is that anyhow, a caboose?
BTW, Great pictures, thanks.

That locomotive looks like something that was custom cobbled together. The trucks look like regular freight trucks, but notice the exterior brake cylinders - and what looks like a traction motor between the wheels on the rear truck.