Full Version: A good thing
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I know there are plenty of these threads but want more cant hurt and by making one, and by making one I feel like Im part of model railroading forum history! 2285_

Anyway, I got home today, and unlike with Zealot, I REALLY looked forward to comming on and seeing whats going on. I always did, but this just feels totally new, different, and awesome. As I was reading the new posts, Im seeing several threads/posts that have been carried over, but Im also starting to see new build threads starting already and advice being given, and I realized that this really is a NEW START! And its already looking like we are off to an amazing start! Way to go to all of you who have made this possible. Cheers
I will second what Kevin said, this is a blessing and truly an amazing offering to have been able to bring the "big blue" train forum back up and running 2285_ 2285_
I like that enthusiasm Kevin! I've been feeling it too ever since Mikey and don told me about creating this forum! Thumbsup
Enthusiasm....yes, that's exactly what it is. I will have to set a note where I can see it everyday, to remind me that I'm but a small part of what this really is, and to enjoy it.