Full Version: Gary S' 2010 Summer Challenge - Bridge
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I can't say enough about how great that bridge looks. Really a great job! Cheers
Thanks Herc, I appreciate that. Smile
Absolutely wonderful! Its been a pleasure watching this fine model take shape.
Thank you Ralph. It was fun building it and taking the photos to share with Big Blue.
Was messing around with Bing Maps and found this. Thought I would post it along with a bridge pic just to see how it matches up.



I will be adding one of the road bridges to the layout at a later date. You can see that I did compress the angled top sections of the slab - the distance between the rail bridge and road bridge will be less than the distance on the prototype. It has been discussed before, but BingMaps is a great modeling tool.
Well, since the challenge is over, just thought I would bump my entry up, and add some of the "finished" photos to the last page of the thread-








Holy S---!!!!

That is awesome!

I am speechless (which doesn't happen often.....if ever Goldth )

Thanks Steve, that is appreciated, especially coming from a guy who does such terrific work. Smile Andthanks for taking a peek at the bridge!

As always I am truly impressed...I would say more but the words escape me!!
How portable is that section? I think you could come up with a respectable showing in an NMRA contest, especially as you have a lot of documentation.
The water in the last few photos looks very realistic, but not inviting!
It's funny David, starting off in the hobby, never even considered entering any competitions, but now that I have done a couple here at Big Blue, the fear factor has diminished. As for portability, the shelf is 2 feet wide, and it would be possible to cut out this section. But honestly, I really doubt i would ever do that! Too much other stuff to do! But I do appreciate your confidence. Smile

In Houston, we do have a Fall layout tour. I didn't get on it this year as I still have much to be done, but for sure, I'll have visitors next year.
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