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Thanks E-Paw and Greg.

I'm using 5/32 plastic tube for the poles. Tapering them a little by scraping on one end with a hobby knife. Then a fine toothed razor saw is used to scrape along the length in various angles and directions. After that, various shades of brown to cover, then black craft paint wash to darken the grooves, , then some drybrushing with gray. Steadily working on them tonight -

Some more work accomplished. First photo is the pole factory. All these need touch-up and then a gray dry-brushing.


And some finished poles:

And started on a bent just to see how it would go together.

Those piles look amazing. I wouldn't have guessed they were styrene if you hand not placed them next to the unfinished ones. Looking forward to the rest of this build for sure. Thumbsup
Thanks Tetters!

Been thinking about the bridge deck this morning. since the bents are under control, decided I need to figure out how the deck will be built. From looking at the real photos -


It seems that the bridge deck is built like this:


Note: The bridge deck sits on four 12" x 12" I-beams which are not shown in the drawing.

Anybody have an comments or thoughts or see it differently?

As for the build, instead of using indivdual deck boards on top of the I-beams, am thinking about using styrene sheet with lines scribed in to represent the boards. May have to glue too sheets together to get the thickness needed.
You people that convincingly make styrene look like wood amaze me. I have done it with satisfactory results, but for some reason I still prefer to use wood. Perhaps it makes me feel connected to the craftsmen of yore building their model towns out of strip wood, cardboard, and paper. Nice work on those bents.

Oh, and in that photo it looks to me like that piece under the deck you labeled as steel is actually wood.
Those "piles" are very nicely done ...

... and don't look like they hurt much, either!

... frustrated ... waiting for solvent joint to cure ... a previously completed joint which (stupidly) had to be redone! Wallbang

... probably only set me back a couple of hours with repainting and all! Wallbang Wallbang
Thanks for the compliment, biL. They were really easy to do, and fun!

Kevin: I think you are right about the wood versus channel iron. Originally, I thought that piece was wood, but then studying the photos, it started to look like channel iron, but now it looks like wood again!

Started on the deck. Two layers of .060 styrene sheet, the bottom is cut to size, the top layer is just to raise the track up to the right level. Am adding on all the long deck boards with the blocking to support the walkway.

Gary, I think a tutorial on how you turn plastic into wood is in order.....can't believe you are already working on a second bridge, by my estimate you will be done by Tuesday :!:
Thanks Richard. Perhaps a photo-tutorial is in order, but not sure when. This bridge is moving along fast so far as you mention.

Still working on the deck. The side toward the aisle has wood grained styrene, but the other side will just have styrene painted brown.

Good progress today. Deck is just about complete:


great stuff Gary, This challenge has produced some excellent models,,,bravo..
E-paw, this one actually isn't in the challenge, but I appreciate your comments! Smile
Challenge or no challenge, that bridge is going to be a looker....And coming along like a house a' fire....
Those "wood" bents, beams, etc., look very convincing..... Thumbsup
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