Full Version: My Z scale layouts from start to ???
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Round Robins are fun for the most part.The one I was in died an early death.because some of the guys thought we should only work on their stuff.But it was fun while it lasted. :mrgreen:
This is the start of store building #5.After all my careful measuring I had to shorten one side because the building would not allow the first building to set completely on the base.

There are five houses and one 7-11 store that are from kits everything else is scratchbuilt.

[Image: numbr5-a.jpg]
That's an unusual shape, should be a real eye catcher when it's finished!
Some more pics of #5 including where it fits in the scheme of things.

Almost ready for paint.

[Image: numbr5-b.jpg]

Over view of building location.

[Image: numbr5-c.jpg]

Street level view of building location.

[Image: numbr5-d.jpg]
That is looking very good. The best of all are the correct proportions of the buildings. You got the space in 1:220 scale to make the buildings with the correct depth. It is rare in larger scales not to cut the buildings a few inch behind the front an push it to the backdrop.
Worship Worship Worship
Some colour,

[Image: numbr5-f.jpg]

[Image: numbr5-h.jpg]

One more store to build,and paint then it is sign time.With a little luck this phase will be done by next Saturday.
and now we move on to #6 first a front view,

[Image: numbr6-a.jpg]

then a end view

[Image: numbr6-b.jpg]

and now it is location location location

[Image: numbr6-c.jpg]

May have this project done by saturday. Nope
As I said over at RR-L it's an odd shape but it works well when in place with the other buildings. Thumbsup
This pic may help explain why #6 is the shape it is.Plans are for more stores and a new gas station (kit is not available yet)and a small creek ala Tyson. :mrgreen: ]

[Image: numbr6-d.jpg]

The layout will be altered to some extent 3 more times this year.Eventually I will run of of things to make or modify and I will start a new larger layout. Nope
Thumbsup Looking forward to the creek!
good work, Catt Thumbsup
Cheers The building's shape adds so much visual interest! Thumbsup
Newest pic.

[Image: numbr6-e.jpg]

Next pucs will be taken at the show Saturday when the layout will be in full dress. :mrgreen:

Will finish up some details tomorrow ,then will be back on the N scale layout Sunday.

You probaly have noticed there are no signs on the stores.My sign making software has decidred the only colour it likes is brass .Yuck!!!!
Thumbsup Thumbsup Worship
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