Full Version: Disappearing in 3-2-1----Poof ! gone
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Yeah, It's time for my annual "disappear off the face of the Earth" week. Don't burn the place down while I'm gone. Big Grin I plan on being back on Monday the 6th, see you then.
Have Fun!!
Sumpter250 Wrote:Yeah, It's time for my annual "disappear off the face of the Earth" week. Don't burn the place down while I'm gone. Big Grin I plan on being back on Monday the 6th, see you then.
Gee, you're kinda like my SS check about a week after it gets deposited. "POOF! and it's gone." Eek

Have a great time and be cool. The world needs more people like you... Thumbsup Thumbsup
Bon voyage. Thumbsup

Enjoy your holiday!
Have a great time!

Well, I'm home.
" kinda like my SS check about a week after it gets deposited. "POOF! and it's gone." "
Which is why I'm home already... :o
Sumpter250 Wrote:Well, I'm home.
" kinda like my SS check about a week after it gets deposited. "POOF! and it's gone." "
Which is why I'm home already... :o
Glad you're back in one piece. And yeah, just about now the SS checks have lost their luster and do make one cut a vacation short. Welcome Welcome