Full Version: Messy work bench / work shop
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Hi all here are some shots of my hobby work area(still under construction) and what a mess I need to complete some projects so I can complete the area. Icon_lol It will be an area to work on trains, computers/electronics and painting.




I feel your pain,,, this is the cleanest my bench has been in weeks,,, :? [Image: 20110924160746.jpg] I've spent the last few days getting things put away so that I could get back to work on some projects...

the great thing about my small corner room in basement is that I get a lot of natural light for the most of the day from 2 windows one with an opening vent, as well as a lamp and fluorescent light in ceiling.

Cool rolltop desk.
Love that rolltop!

Last winter right after we moved...
[Image: IMG_0713.JPG]

[Image: IMG_1556.JPG]
Oh, I can not resist.......

The clock in the "messy picture" shows 8:33, and 30 seconds.
The clock in the "Last winter right after we moved..." picture shows 9:32, and 30 seconds.

So, the "clean picture" was taken 30 seconds short of one hour after the "messy picture" ????? Eek Icon_twisted 357
I only clean off the junk on my work bench so i have space to put junk on my work bench Icon_lol
its an atomic clock... very accurate Icon_lol 357