Full Version: Help identifying the photographer of ATSF pics in LA
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I have been researching the area known as the Patch in Los Angeles that was switched by the ATSF. I have six pictures that I found, but I can't remember where. I'm trying to find out who the original photographer was, when the pictures were taken and if it might be possible to get some higher resolution versions. I believe that four of them were taken by the same photographer and the other two probably by two different photographers (heck its even possible they were all taken by the same photographer). I do know the exact area where they were taken; the area of Industrial Street and Mill Street. Even getting me back to the website where I found them would be most helpful.
Here they are:
[Image: Patch__AlleyIndustrialAnd6thCROP.jpg]
[Image: Patch__alley350.jpg]
[Image: Patch__A1.jpg]
[Image: Patch__115CROP-1.jpg]
[Image: Patch__111Crop.jpg]
[Image: ATSFCurvedDistant_300.jpg]
Kris Marquardt
Hi Kris!

Welcome to Big Blue!

Would this be the website you were looking for? : http://www.bobsgardenpath.com/ATSF_ThePatch.html
That http://www.patchrailroad.net/The_Patch/Patch_Home.html might be the other frequent used source
Justinmiller171 Wrote:Hi Kris!

Welcome to Big Blue!

Would this be the website you were looking for? : http://www.bobsgardenpath.com/ATSF_ThePatch.html

Well spotted. The pictures he has is there: http://www.bobsgardenpath.com/Patch2.html

Thanks everyone for helping me find where the photos came from. Unfortunately I don't see a why to contact Robert Smaus on his website, but at least I know where I originally found them.

Kris Marquardt