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Hello all Smile

A new website starts to collect together model train track plans and layouts in all scales and sizes, build with SCARM planning software. Here is it:

Free Railway Layouts & Railroad Track Plans

Most of the content in the site is created by SCARM users and sent to me by e-mail. Some of the layouts are already presented in SCARM blog, but there are new projects and more will come soon. At the moment, I am editing and uploading all stuff, but in the near future I plan to add support for user registrations, so everybody to be able to create an account and to upload projects in the site.

Everybody can browse the projects in the site or search and filter the track plans by several criteria, such as “scale”, “size”, “trackage” and so on. In example, the following link will show all layouts and track plans in HO gauge, listed for now in the site. Every project has its own page, where it is presented with more pictures, described with many parameters (such as minimum radius, maximum grade, suitable traffic, etc.) and sometimes explained by me or by its author. All (or almost all) published layouts will have corresponding SCARM files ready to be downloaded from the links at bottom in the layout’s page. There is also an option for each project to be rated with rating stars from 1 to 5 – this is located below the description. Voting system works without registration, but is limited to one vote per project from a visitor in order to make ratings relevant and correct.

The site is also optimized for smartphones and tables, so you can browse it almost anywhere and anytime. However, some pictures may not look very detailed on small phone screens, but in overall you can get a good impression even from 320×480 sized cell phones.

At the moment, there is no option for commenting below the layouts, but such feature may appear in the future. The site is now in beta state and needs to be used for some period in real environment to see how it performs, is it easy and useful, etc. So please, try it and comment here what do you think about it.

And if you have some cool SCARM layout or track plan that you want to share with others, just send your .scarm project file to me at [Image: mail.gif] with a couple of lines, describing it Wink

Hope you will like the site and will get many ideas from it even if you don’t use SCARM Smile

Author of SCARM
Neat stuff! I'm learning how to use SCARM at the moment, in the hopes it will help break my "designer block".
Hi MountainMan Smile

Take a look on the Video tutorials about SCARM - first one is available here: SCARM Video Tutorials – Part 1 – Create a Model Railway Layout. The second and each next clip are available from the links in the bottom of each blog post.

I hope that you and the other forum members will like the videos and that they will help for learning SCARM functions and features easier and faster Wink

Excellent! Thank you for the link and the assistance it provides! Thumbsup
The track plans and layouts in the database are growing - now there are more than 40 projects of all scales and sizes. Here are the most searched categories so far:

HO gauge track plans (all sizes)
N scale layouts (all sizes)
Railway layouts & track plans of small size (all gauges)

Most recent, top-rated plan in HO: Compact Railroad Layout in HO scale

[Image: Small_SCARM_layout_in_H0_2D_plan-460.jpg]

Most recent, top-rated plan in N: Ikea IVAR Shelftop Railway Layout in N Scale

[Image: ikea-ivar-shelftop-scarm-model-railroad-...le-460.jpg]

I hope that everybody will find something interesting and inspiring there Smile

...you can search in the database by track plans, virtual layouts and real operational layouts.

A track plan keyword means only a track route without any other elements or objects on the plot, which allows you to finish it by your choice with adding of scenery objects like roads, buildings, industries, etc. See here all model train track plans in the database.

A virtual layout keyword is used to describe a partial or complete layout design which includes all or almost all objects needed for realistic look and operations. See here all model train layouts in the database.

A true operational layout keyword is used to mark all projects in the database that are already build in the reality, based on initial track plans and designs, created in SCARM. See these true railway layouts with the initial designs and the real pictures together.

Hope that this will help you to find the right track plan or layout, just for you Smile

See the featured layout for February - entirely designed in SCARM and already build:

Warren's Layout in HO scale

[Image: Warren_Real_HO_Layout_1-460.jpg]

The planning started an year ago and the building process is complete with just some small details to be finished. Hope you will like it Wink

The layouts and track plans in the site are growing and now there are more than 60 projects listed Smile

See the most remarkable additions to the database for March and April:

Large Complex HO Layout

[Image: Tillig_H0-ELITE_3D_Layout_0-460.jpg]

Peco Setrack Station Plan in N scale

[Image: Peco%20N-scale%20Set-track%20plan%201%20...1)-460.jpg]

Marklin Suitcase Layout in Z Scale

[Image: Kofferbahn_130x60cm_Marklin_Miniclub_Spur_Z_2D-460.jpg]

Many new layouts and track plans were added to the site in the past 3 months. Here are just three of them, featuring roads, industries, water surfaces, ports, etc.:

The Layout Room of John in N Scale

[Image: Johns-Layout-Room-in-N-Scale-2-460.jpg]

Small Industrial Town on Canal with Markiln Z Tracks

[Image: Industrie_und_Stadt_am_Kanal_in_Marklin_...cm-460.jpg]

U-shaped Station Layout in N

[Image: U-shaped_Station_Layout_in_N-1-460.jpg]

Hope you will like these projects Smile

Several already build layout designs were added to the site in the last weeks. See them below:

Bahnhof Burgdorf model train layout

[Image: SCARM_anlage_Burgdorf-bahnhof_IMG_3104-460.jpg]

Large Hornby Dublo Layout

[Image: SCARM-Hornby-OO-Newbinns-rd-freight-loco-depots-460.jpg]

The Loft Layout of John in O Gauge

[Image: The-Loft-Layout-in-O-gauge-of-John-H-1-460.jpg]

Hope you will like these Smile

Several more cool layout projects were added to the site in the last weeks. Here are shown two of them, both in HO scale.

The Layout Extension of Chris in HO scale

[Image: SCARM_2015projek_konsep18_edited_3D_Rail..._1-460.jpg]

Charlie's Train Room in H0 Scale

[Image: Charlies-Train-Room-3D-SCARM-Layout-460.jpg]

If you download and open these projects in SCARM, you will see that the first contains many interesting user-created objects such as various buildings, vehicles and rolling stock while the other plan represents complete model train layout room with walls, door and windows.

There are more than 35 HO-scale projects in the site now - see all of them here: HO scale model train layout proposals

Hope you will like the new projects Smile

Here is one more nice layout form the last days of December, featuring the Ian's detailed loco and flat car models:

Atlas Granite Gorge & Northern Train Layout in HO

[Image: Atlas_Granite_Gorge_&_Northern_HO_layout...-1-460.jpg]

And a short recap for the plans on the site so far:

Most viewed track plans in the database (in all scales)
Top-rated layouts in HO scale
Top-rated layouts in N scale

Several new layouts were added to the database in the past two months - here are two of them:

Small Village HO Track Plan

[Image: Small-Village-H0-Layout-3D-1-460.jpg]

Hof Train Station Modular Plan in N scale

[Image: Hof-Modul-1951-Spur-N-3D-0-460.jpg]

Many new layouts and track plans were added to the site in the past monts - see two of them:

Small HO Track Plan with Large Train Station

[Image: Kompakt_Fleischmann_HO_gleisplan_mit_gro..._1-460.jpg]

Compact N-scale Layout with Fuel Oil Terminal

[Image: Fleischmann_N-scale_train_layout_2_3D-1-460.jpg]

Now there are more than 100 layouts and track plans in the database in most popular scales and sizes.

If you are interested, check also the following categories:

Point-to-Point model train layouts
Track plans with double main line
Track plans with reversed loops

Here is the new featured layout for January, which is already under construction:

Garden State Central Model Railroad Club 25' x 50' Room Layout

[Image: SCARM_GSCRR13g_HO_Track_plan-640.jpg]

[Image: SCARM_GSCRR13g_HO_Virtual-Layout-1-640.jpg]

It is one of the largest and most complex track plans ever designed in SCARM which is now turning into a real layout by the guys in Garden State Central Model Railroad Club. See some pics from the building process:

[Image: GSC_MRC_SCARM_Layout_l1a.jpg]

[Image: GSC_MRC_SCARM_Layout_l18a.jpg]

[Image: GSC_MRC_SCARM_Layout_l2c-640.jpg]

[Image: GSC_MRC_SCARM_Layout_l9c-640.jpg]

Read more about that huge layout and download the SCARM track plan from the link above. Hope you will like it Smile

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