Full Version: This Is Just A Test. For You Dial-up Guys.
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Gonna try this.
Downloading pictures from my iPhone to my lap top, then posting here, didn't resize them and those who are still on dial-up couldn't enjoy my pictures from my trip to the Danbury Rail Museum.
It's a pain to do, but, I will do it
FYI: Have to email them to myself from my iPhone. I can resize them then.
Let me know guys.
Conrail Mechanical Reefer.They also sold an Athearn model of it, which of course I picked one up.
Not on dialup, but the image looks sharp and clear at the lower resolution. Our software resizes the physical size so you don't have to scroll larger images, but it retains the filesize, so what you have here should be fine for everybody to see the details and at a fraction of the viewing time and server space. Thumbsup
That was quick !!! Cheers
I am still on dial-up, and the picture resolution is sweet, and, loaded up faster than I thought it would. 2285_
Thank You Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
I tried it both ways and it worked fine. As the others said the quality is great as well. Thumbsup