Full Version: Weekly Photo Fun 9/23 - 9/29/16
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A shot from back when Conrail used a RS3m for switching.

Bruce---another great shot to start the week Thumbsup Back at Leetown CNR T2A 4100 has just received a full load of coal and is ready to begin a full day hauling hoppers from the GERN Bowyer Mine

[Image: 279550b3-58e2-4b56-950e-418e718c2e50_zpsiv0l54q5.jpg]
A great start. Thumbsup

Schenkel RR #1630 helper drifting back down the Spiral.

A few shots from the yard in Allentown. I had to reduce them really small in order to get them down to under the 250 needed to post.[attachment=26250]


Yesterday Drwayne, Railcop and I rode the Cayahoga Valley special. This was one from the photo runby.[attachment=26254]Charlie
Charlie---now I'm even more disappointed that I couldn't join your excursion.I noticed that beautiful Berk is #767,is this a mate for #765 ? Meanwhile back home I had to be content watching the action in Leetown,lucky for me there's always a steamer or two in the yard---here's CNR U2G #6200 coming off the roundhouse lead.

[Image: 4c800291-5ef3-4ea5-b831-aa26c06d29b3_zps0nyez4zq.jpg]
Toptrain's R-1 is all assembled, painted, test run, and ready for delivery.




Hello here is a "COMIC" submission with a railroad theme


The comic reference being Sarge, Beetle, and Otto Smile Ever since getting the jeep with the figures which are out of scale I have wanted to some how work them into the layout with a camp swampy scene but until then they will have to ride the rails Smile