Full Version: Weekly Photo Fun 3/12 - 3/18/21
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Shore River's SD9  on it's way back to the interchange track with Conrail.


Great start this week Bruce! Applause

A little switching action at GERN of Southern Wisconsin Icon_e_biggrin ...
[Image: 5CrGNcJ.jpg]
The early morning commuter train is almost ready to leave the Leanne Station while a local freight waits patiently for it's departure. 

Bruce - Another great scene. Cool transfer caboose

Deano - Gern keeps 'em busy. Nice shot

Ed - Just another great photo.

Here is the 95% completed Sand and Fuel Depot. Once it is added to the layout final details will be added.

[Image: cuhpeo5.jpg]

[Image: GLKr61V.jpg]

[Image: ASHrCVX.jpg]

[Image: UVTj6kp.jpg]