unexpected railfaning!
Id been wanting to get away for a while and over last weekend I took my girlfriend camping on the North Shore here in MN. I dont post much lately but those who read what I do post know that Im I huge fan of the Duluth Missabe and Iron Range RR which is right up where I was camping. On the way into town I saw somthing right away that I didnt expect to see, one of the few remaining DMIR tunnel motors, even though she is in the darn old CN colors she was still one heck of a pretty sight. I got to see some trains in the Two Harbors yard as well, The first thing I saw was a IC loco. Our campgrounds are right on an old Missabe line which is now owned by a scenic railroad. But on the last day i came out of the tent as a CN Hi Rail truck went by, followed by three MOW units, all still in Missabe logos! That was a great site! Had a great weekend, didnt want to bore the girlfriend with trains, but still managed to get in some awesome trains!
KevinKrey Wrote:but still managed to get in some awesome trains!

Any photos, per chance? Goldth Goldth Sounds like a good time, though!
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I take it DMIR logos are harder to spot since their demise? I second the photo 219

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Girlfriend...Camping..Trains...What more could a man ask for..?? Goldth

!!..PICTURES..!! ...Of course... Shoot
Gus (LC&P).

Although I Shouldn't be talking because I saw a 6-engine BNSF train a few weeks ago with 2 Santa Fe Warbonnets, and a BNSF warbonnet and I didn't have my camera with me at the time 35
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)
My camera is broke. She managed to take a few for me and Ill load them up, but the pics, are mostly of ships at the railroads bulk loading facility.

And yes Steamtrains, a pretty perfect weekend.
Oh yeah Kevin, I love driving up there. Railroad action everywhere. I like driving into Duluth on the highway and going right under the taconite bridge, seeing the freight yard to the right, the Depot on the left...and that's just quickly driving by Smile
It sure can be a heck of a spot for a railfan huh Ralph? Maybe a place for a future Big Blue Meeting place for northern members lol.
Kevin: would you care to plug the campground? (I used to have a thread on campgrounds with railway interests.)
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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