Call for June Presentation.
Good Morning,

We are now one month from the First Sunday Presentation.

The Madison County Historical Society, Inc. in Anderson Indiana will hold a First Sunday program at the History Center at 11 W 11th Street in Anderson on June 4th at 2 PM.

I have put together a Power Point Presentation for June, entitled "Then and Now, Big and Small". This is a presentation on the railroads that ran through Madison County beginning with the oldest that I have photos for.
This is not just photos of Anderson and Madison County. There are photos of the history of the lines that ran through the county reaching North, South and East and West into other states.

This will be the history of the railroads that ran through the county coming right up to the current ones now operating through here with an end section on the model railroads that many of us have. This will be followed by an Open House in the basement Train Rooms for those who are interested.

June 4th is the date. So, plan on coming to the presentation and enjoy a train oriented Sunday.

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