is now a free site
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> was a pay site but the owner has just made it free and opened it up. Its a very good resource for weathering, lots of pics and a forum.

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3433</a><!-- l -->
Hi everyone.

I have been lurking here for some time now, and very much enjoying and appreciating the information that is shared by all of you. Having just read this post - sorry I am revisiting an old thread - I had a look at the referenced web site, and was very impressed. So, here is the question, I have had no luck registering for the site! I keep getting a message telling me that my answer to the spam-buster question is incorrect. I have tried every possible combination. I know that I am an old guy, but come on now! The worst part is, the site also blocks me from contacting the forum admin!

So, if anyone reading this is a member there and could either assist me in answering the spam-buster question, or contacting the site admin I would appreciate it!
New Model Railroader Wrote:... sorry I am revisiting an old thread -- I had a look at the referenced web site, and was very impressed. So, here is the question, I have had no luck registering for the site! I keep getting a message telling me that my answer to the spam-buster question is incorrect. I have tried every possible combination. I know that I am an old guy, but come on now! The worst part is, the site also blocks me from contacting the forum admin! So, if anyone reading this is a member there and could either assist me in answering the spam-buster question, or contacting the site admin I would appreciate it!
Icon_lol Big Grin Big Grin 8-) I discussed responding to your post with the other two, and the three of us (Me, Myself and I) decided we probably couldn't hurt the situation, so why not. 357

First things, first! Thumbsup

Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome to Big Blue at The-Gauge!! Welcome Welcome Welcome

I've gotta tell you ... I really am both puzzled and curious about your choice of a "personal tag." Having just awakened at this hour (04:45) after apparently dozing off sometime around ten-thirty last night, with a kink in my neck and feeling only a little confused here on the living room love seat, laptop still unbelievably resting on my lap, your selection of a name is at once either an example of brilliant "tongue-in-cheek genius" (since you have alluded to being and "old guy") and yet, at the same time, just a little puzzling. Don't get me wrong ... I like it! So once again ....
... A hearty : welcome: to the Best model railroad forum on the Internet!!! Welcome

... and as for the term, "Old Guy," I prefer "Seasoned Veteran."

Now ... with the formalities out of the way … you know, I think I may have a membership there at that weathering specialty web forum ... but I so seldom ever go to any other model railroad web forum that I would have difficulty remembering the procedures necessary to enter that particular one … or any of several others!

… And while I agree that there are several modelers there who exhibit some of the most absolutely "mad dog blow your sox off" modeling/weathering skills I’ve ever seen, as I recall, the tendency towards crony elitism exhibited by some of the more-accomplished members there, especially towards the likes of someone with a single digit number of total postings was such that I did not feel all that encouraged to return to the forum and had, quite frankly, forgotten about it altogether until I was reminded by this thread appearing on the list of “View Active Topics!”

I often have a problem with those tricky little “spam busting” annoyances, like when trying to ask an EBay seller a legit question … type that damn thing in, carefully, one stupid, “color-phlaged” character after another, triple-checking for accuracy, only to be informed that what I had typed was supposedly incorrect!

I refuse to allow that thing to frustrate me! If after three attempts to get beyond that foolishness, I continue to be on the out side, I just take that as a sign that God thinks I would be better off not going there and I walk away.

That’s not giving up! That’s called changing one’s mind about visiting the web site … there are other, more important tasks to be accomplished … possibly a visit may take place at some other time to be determined in the future.

Well, enough of my ramblings … Welcome to the Big Blue Family! You can go to other forums and look, but the people here will go out of their way to help you in any way possible … that the main reason I hardly ever go anywhere else!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Bill, I would like to thank you for the terrific welcome, to the forums here. They did come highly recommended by a member of another forum that I am known to haunt. Funny, I despite my frequent grumblings at never having enough time to get everything done that I would like, I still always have time to malinger in the forums!

I have to agree with you, I should likely take my inability to get past the spam-buster question as a sign from the Big Dispatcher that I don't need to frequent another forum. Thank you for the providing me with the insight!
New Guy ...

I'm always willing to offer my point of view, which it seems is taken alternately as helpful ... or angeringly annoying. Icon_lol

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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