copying word document
I have recently finished a word doc regarding my building experiences with numerous structure kits. How can I copy that doc to this forum re: product reviews?
It appears the attachments don't allow word files, or even pdf's, I hope there is an option for it to be turned on

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
You just have to copy the "text itself" into a new post
you may have to break up your word document into smaller parts that the posts will accept
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
You can simply "COPY" the text (highlight it with the cursor, then hit "COPY") and then "PASTE" it into your reply or new thread. There doesn't appear to be a limit on the size: my "Building Beeg Boy" post in the Scratchbuilding/Kitbashing Forum was done this way, and it's pretty large. Eek Wink

If you're going to be adding pictures, either from our Gallery or from a site such as photobucket, I found it useful when making the Word document to include a notation, such as

"Place photo 013 here"

If you include a blank line before and after the notation, it's easy to spot as you hunt for photos, and you can add or delete blank lines where necessary, and also delete the "place photo here" notation as you insert each photo link.

It worked and was submitted in structures & product review section. Thanks

You can now attach both a .doc and a .pdf document to a post. However, both will only appear as a link and will require that they be downloaded and you have the application to read them. Most everyone has Acrobat Reader, which is free and can read a .pdf, but not everyone has MS Word or another similar app that can read a .doc document. It is still recommended that you do the copy/paste with Word documents, although you may have to do some reformatting in the process.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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