Anyone used Woodland Scenics Field Grass ?
I've had this pack laying around unopened for many years and have decided to use it on my layout . I've looked at a You Tube video of one guys use of the product me it sticks up too much and looks more like a bush than grass . Maybe I'm expecting too much ? Has anyone tried this or a similar product ?
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Yep, use it quite a bit and like it because (to me anyway) it is easy to use and when trimmed properly looks pretty realistic.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Mike , when I bought the package of WS many years ago , I did so because I was envisioning the tall wavy grass that the packaging alludes to . I promptly hung the package on my pegboard with dozen of other modeling supplies and forgot about it until now . With your N scale , I guess the modeled grass is higher than the height of any people you have in your scene ?
I guess the best thing is to do a little experiment in one area and decide you drill holes to stick the bundled grass into or clip it off and glue it down as is ?
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
T I use it do make low clumps mostly, but low or tall I install it the same way. I just put some Elmer's glue down where I want it, then take some and stick the bottm in the glue and using scissors cut it off at the height I want while still holding on to the top of the clump. After the glue sets do any additional trimming if need be.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I use it also, similar to the manner Mike does. I model in HO so I do it a bit differently. First I take a small bit of 2-3 shades each and intertwine them together. Then I shift them slightly so the ends are randomly uneven, no more that plus or minus 1/16". Then I hold that end between the fingertips and make a straight cut as close to 1/4" as possible. Then I dip the straight cut into a puddle of Elmer's White Glue and stick it on the layout where I want it. You have to use very sharp scissors or the cut becomes jagged. Use a toothpick to get it to spread out in a natural manner. You could use all one shade, but around the area I loosely model, there tends to be varied hues in the same clump. Here's an example from my old layout.

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My effort so far


It went very slowly because the glue I bought recently was a no-name brand which dries OK but takes a long time to set up.....consequently I had to prop up each piece one at a time . In the first picture , in the foreground and to the lower right you can see that I've reshaped a couple of plants and painted them green to give a differnt look just for fun . Modeling the field grass wouldn't be my favourite mrring task but it came out OK I think .

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To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
T. they look a little to uniform I think? Maybe not.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
In shape or height .....?
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
I would think " in height ".
a pair of scissors, maybe 3" to 4.5" total length, and kept SHARP. Make the cuts "almost parallel" to the grass stalks, and "attack" more than make a planned cut. the more random the cuts, the more natural the look, and the less chance of a repetitive pattern, in the length of each stalk.
An alternative method, would be to make up a batch of grass bundles, apply the glue to one end, and let it dry before proceeding. This way you could hold the bundle by the glued end, while making the cuts. In both cases I would use several rapid cuts, and let things fall as they may. If you try to "plan" each cut, they will lose that "randomness" and appear too fake.
Using this method, you can learn better how to hold the bundle, and how to "snip away at it", to make it more natural.
I did some displays for a kit manufacturer, and used the "field grass" as described above.......I just now realized that I haven't used any of the field grass on my modules. Lots of ground foam, and poly fiber, and some commercially available "plants/shrubs", but no field grass. Hmmmmmmm "The time has come, the walrus said to speak of"
-------------------- :oops: Wink for ME,to get SNIPPIN' Wink :mrgreen: Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I see what you mean the pics they do look like upside down brooms ......I may colour them as well . I think Switchmans field grass looks good with a lot of weeds around it , too , so I may address that .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Yes the tops look much to even. Most plant stems and leaves grow at different speeds and therefor are all different heights. santafewillie's method gives a better result. No offense intended but yours all look like they had a brush cut.
Modeling the Canadian National prairie region in 1959.
There is a barber shop right next to the field Icon_lol

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Sorry to be so late getting back to you on this but the weather took a downturn so I headed south. I was going to take a pic to show you what I mean but what the others said basically covers it. When I get back home in a week or month or two (depending on the weather) I will still post a pic. In the meantime stay warm and dry while I head to the beach! 2285_ Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string

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