Sanford and Son. An HO scale scratchbuild
Looks great Matt! Thumbsup The fencing with all of the signs looks fantastic! The tire tracks in the dirt are a nice touch as is the junkyard dog. Don't mess with "Big Dummy!" Looking forward to seeing the junk added in! This is such an enjoyable thread!
Now you just need some junk! Great job on this!
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I just caught this thread. that is so cool. Thumbsup great job.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Once more thanks! Won't be able to do anything more on it till Monday. Work all weekend and when not working, weeding and mulching. (bleah) See ya in a few days!

Junk At Last! ...This morning was spent building the junk and scrap piles for this project. Also added a few trees around the property.

Here's an overview of the whole thing.

[Image: overview.jpg]

A side view. Sorry for the "backdrop!"

[Image: sideview.jpg]

The other side...

[Image: sideview2.jpg]

Some of the ancient vehicle pile...

[Image: junk.jpg]

Another view...

[Image: backview.jpg]

At last we get to meet the Sanford's....Sitting down for a friendly game of checkers. (Yes I know they bear no resemblance to the real Sanford and Son; Remember this is the East Coast version !

[Image: thesanfords.jpg]

Well, this project is "mostly" complete. At least the major parts of it. There will be more junk to add. I will be adding weeds and shrubbery growing up the fence in spots. Electric line will need run to the building.
Then this will need secured to the layout and surrounding scenery built around it. Then the interior light will need hooked up. I'm still thinking of maybe adding an outside pole light as well.

I do want to stop and say thanks to all who contributed with tips and suggestions as well as the very nice compliments. I started this thread to learn a few things and also to show anyone who's never scratchbuilt anything that a project like this is not that difficult and easier in many ways to some of the kits that are out there. And it's a good way to save money to boot! This whole thing probably cost me about 10 bucks in materials, paints and adhesives. The Sanford's, their truck and Big Dummy were probably about $9.00 of it!

Now what have I learned??? Seal the hardboard with primer to prevent warping! Eek Don't drink a beer and put in windows. They just may go in upside down! Cheers
Lastly. If you are the observant type you may have noticed that the signage on the fence has changed. That's because I learned that spraying wet water and inkjet printer ink DO NOT GET ALONG! LOL 357

Looks good, Matt. Thumbsup Thumbsup Some of your wrecks would still be "on the road" on my layout. 357

Thanks Wayne! So your layout makes the Great Depression look like prosperity! Confusedtooges:

Thought I'de just throw in a few more pics for the heck of it. Here I set the junkyard in place to see how it will eventually look.

[Image: overview1.jpg]

[Image: overview2.jpg]

[Image: overview3.jpg]

[Image: overview4.jpg]

[Image: overview5.jpg]

Before you ask; Those paper mockups are where some future 50ish mobile homes will go. I like the looks of the Nu-Comp Miniatures kits and was going to order a couple last winter, but nobody had them in stock for months. So I put that on hold to work on other things.

Excellent junk and scrap!! It looks very convincing!
Nice use of mock-ups in the city scene. I bet the neighbors across the tracks with the nice big garden are not too happy about the view!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Love it! Great execution.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
ocalicreek Wrote:Nice use of mock-ups in the city scene. I bet the neighbors across the tracks with the nice big garden are not too happy about the view!


And I thought Mrs. McGullicudy had that grumpy look on her face from tending the garden all by herself! Now I know....!

Gary S Wrote:Love it! Great execution.

Thanks Gary!

(If anyone wants to see even better great execution, check out Gary's thread!!! The good weather time to build thread)

looks great , the fence is a great topping for the place.

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