Carl Arendt
To those who follow Carls Small Layout Scrapbook site, and are wondering why it hasn't been updated, it falls to me to relay this sad news.
I have just had an email from Carls wife and she has asked me to pass on the following message. Carl is under hospice care and is not expected to live very long, which is why there has been no update. I do know that there are several people out there who are interested in hosting the website and continuing his work, but I have no idea how we go about doing that - an email to me chacmool at lineone dot netwould be appreciated if you know what would need to be done, although whether there will be anyone at that end who knows how the site is hosted I know not, and this isn't the time to ask.
I know your thoughts will be with him, but if you want to pass on condolences it would be preferable if you could post on here, rather than inundating his wife with emails
. I will pass them on as either a link that she can read them or as a block

That is truly sad news!

When I signed in and hit the "Active Topics" and saw "Arendt" it was the first thread I opened. That name is almost as familiar to me as my own. Carl Arendt has be one of the hobby's great contributors! he will be sorely missed.

That he is so very ill is very sad news, indeed. Please convey my deepest sorrow to the family. I pray he can be made comfortable in his final days.

God, be with him.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
This is very sad news indeed.

I see that the news is spreading throughout the model railroad communities, and the reaction seems to be the same everywhere - the feeling that Carl is "the Giant of the Small Layout" as someone formulated it over in the Yahoo Group "Micro/Small layouts".

I would like to express my gratitude to Carl for the many hours of hobby enjoyment and enlightenment he has given his fellow model railroaders both near and far away - I have for a long time had it as part of my daily routine around the start and middle of every month to stop by the web site to see what new ideas had been posted for that month or mid-month update.

My deepest sympathy for Carl's wife, other family and friends.

The world is a sadder and poorer place - RIP old friend
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His was a life that touched many in a very positive way ... he and his small railroads blog will be missed in all corners of this globe.

Any suffering is now over ...

God bless those dear to him that he left behind. May they gain some solace in the knowledge that there are many who grieve along with them.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Update 24 March 2011

Current situation

The pages have been reloaded into the address, The address may be permanently broken - but that is still being worked on. please note that the guy who is dealing with that end is doing it voluntarily in his own time - he also has a living to earn.


The site will stay where it is for the moment, but may need to be moved to a new server, possibly with mirror sites available at a date in the future. There will be a further update if this is going to happen - Thanks everybody, and can I pass on the thanks of his family.
Jack -

Thanks for passing on the information (and for conveying the condolances of people in various forums and groups to Carl's family).

Don't know if you saw it, but there is also an online condolance protocol at the Pittsburgh Post Gazette at - you might want to pass that address on to the family too, if you judge it appropriate.


Please pass on my condolences to Carl's family.

I was wondering why the mid February update didnt come to pass, then as we marched into March my concerns grew, by the time website was only producing Forbidden messages I knew that something wasnt right in the World of Arendt.

Tonight I found this thread and yes I shed a tear as I read down the posts. I never met Carl, but I exchanged emails a couple of times and he published two photos of my kettle BBQ micro layout. I derived much reading pleasure and thoughtful contemplation and daydreaming as I read about and viewed the many Micro layouts presented on his wonderful website.

Carl's family have lost their 'Carl" while Model Railroaders around the world have lost Carl Arendt King of the Micro Layout.
He touched many with his website. His place in Model Railroading folklore is assured.

Highball Carl and Godspeed

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More
Both sites are back up on line - thanks to Jonathan, and the front pages of the Scrapbooks have been changed to tell those who don't know why the usual updates haven't taken place - and yes, a surprising number of people still haven't heard that he is no longer with us. At this time there are no plans to continue updates - although who can say what the future may hold?
I really hope that someone steps up and runs the site as a sort of living cyber legacy to Carl's work.

It was and is way too good a site to be allowed to just wither on the vine so to speak.

There is plenty of good reading to be had and lots of inspiration for those who feel that they dont have the space for a basement empire, this hobby is a broad church afterall and a micro layout can provide heaps of enjoyment.

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More
Unfortunately, it will take an exceptional individual to "fill" Carl's shoes! Sad

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
This is sad news. I've enjoyed and visited his site several times. Yes, he will be missed very much by the model railroading community. My condolences to his wife and family.
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