Our 5 Year 2014 Appeal...
Here we are celebrating the 5th year of our railroad hobby forum. Whether you were here through the Gauge.com/Zealot/The Gauge.net years or you have just joined, we would like to express our gratitude for your participation here at Big Blue.

Don and I know, that it seems like we say pretty much the same things every year in these appeal posts, but you know, that’s a great thing! It means that our members are consistently a cut above the average and the staff and membership in our opinion is the greatest!!! The people that stop in here and post their day-to-day issues and comments, the ones who are not afraid to ask a question or 3… or 4 Goldth … the people that answer those questions honestly and precisely and without “looking down” on the person asking the question(s) are by far the best!!!

One of the things that Don and I hear (and sometimes see posted) is how, at other forums, members are chided about asking questions. I remember being a member of another site and I was genuinely unnerved about asking anything for fear of a harsh rebuttal instead of a constructive comment. Not so here! As far as we have seen; everyone either says something positive or they just don’t post, which is fine with us. Yes, there are exceptions, but they are fortunately, few and far between.

So, we have arrived at yet another new year, another anniversary… and another appeal. We are here for you all. For all you want to post, teach, learn and comment about. No conglomerate – No company “owns” us – We have no one to answer to except the members! We like it that way too!!! Oh yeah – and NO ADS!!!!!! No pop-ups, no words in a post changed into a link to an ad........nothing, but our individual work and posts!!!

So, next time you go to another forum or site. Pay attention to what’s in the right hand column. Pay attention to the highlighted and underlined words… Pay attention to the ad links somewhere on almost every page you visit. Most of them all pay “Click Through” money to the owners of the site. The newest one I know of is bitly. Facebook uses it! If you click on a bitly link, it PAYS Facebook a few cents that goes toward the upkeep of the site.

Nothing here like that!!! Nope!!!! All we ask is that once in a while, if you have the spare cash, if you really enjoy stopping by here… that you donate some small amount to help Don & I keep all those bad and distracting things Out of Here!!!! Smile We know not everyone has the ability to contribute and that’s fine with us! We could actually manage on our own for a time, but we are from the old school, “It never hurts to ask”!

So, if you can’t contribute, then please; visit as much as you want and enjoy the fun here at Big Blue! We don’t mind at all!!!! But, if you can help us out in any small way, we, as always, appreciate the help…

Don & Mikey. Co-Owners and Administrators of a really great family oriented bulletin board. Smile
It’s hard to top what Mikey just said. We do appreciate every member here as well as every one of our staff. Big Blue may not be totally unique in maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere, but we have to be at the top of the list in how our members conduct themselves. A lot of you either came along for the ride as we morphed into what we are today, while there are those that we lost along the way, and came back after seeing that we able to return to our original values. We have many new members as well, and we are thankful to you all, old and new, for being here.

I remember when I first got into the hobby and was jumped on for asking about DC because I didn’t want to go right into DCC. Then, on that same forum, I remember someone posting a picture of an engine that they spent hours decorating, and the first comment out was, “it would have been nice if you would have used the right shade of yellow.” Confusedhock: About that time, I almost decided that maybe MRR wasn’t for me, but then I found the-gauge. Good people from the get-go willing to help anyone and answering simple or complex questions without making the other member feel foolish for asking. Big Blue has been here for five years and I’ve yet to see anyone post a “go look it up on Google” reply, which happens so often other places. It may be warranted, but heck, we are all friends here and you don’t do that to a friend… It’s that kind of attitude that attracts good people to Big Blue. Big Grin

As in past years, we’ve been blessed with members willing to support Big Blue, and as Mikey said, we can get along for a while without additional help, but it sure makes our jobs a lot easier when it’s time to pay the bills and we have people willing to share this burden. We are not asking anything from those that cannot help, we know that not everyone can; you are as welcome here as anyone else. We’re not asking much from those that want to help either; if you feel you can, no matter how little, just hit the “donate” button at the bottom of the page; everything and anything is appreciated.

We have an amazing group here, good people, great modelers, and we thank you for you past and continued support. Now, just so you know, we are willing to do whatever we need to do in order to keep Big Blue running, but we will never cross the line to get revenue from ads or sponsors. That will never happen, regardless.

Thank you one and all, just for being here. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
This coming Sunday, January 19th, I will have been here 12 years.........What Mikey said, is absolutely true ! Cheers

Thank You, everyone who has been here and held to the commitment of keeping this board a great place to visit, and learn on. May the questions keep coming, and may the answers always be here. Cheers Cheers
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Done...thank you Cheers

T & A Layout Build http://bigbluetrains.com/forum/viewtopic...=46&t=7191
It's a pleasure to be a member and to support Big Blue
Are there any coffee mugs still for sale??

T & A Layout Build http://bigbluetrains.com/forum/viewtopic...=46&t=7191
scubadude Wrote:Are there any coffee mugs still for sale??

You can buy our "fifth anniversary" coffee mugs on our Zazzle store. There are a few other items there for sale as well with our new, regular logo on them including shirts and a mouse pad.

Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there just may be a couple of mugs offered at auction, one for sure will go on the block in just a few days so you might want to take your chances that way, or as they say on the "Let's Make a Deal" game show, go for the sure thing on Zazzle.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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