Multi posting
Hi folks I know its been a while since posting here, been real busy in summer months and what time I did have I worked in the basement on my new layout. I was just wondering if others find the same thing I do, just not enough time to visit and post on other forums? I've been around now for quite a while, started my my modeling on , came across AMR where I spent a great deal of time in Chat, got introduced to 2guys, The Guage, frealrails, trackside modeler , rrl and the list goes on and on. I'm getting real tired of trying to keep up and somehow feel guilty when I post here and not there with my layout updates then hear flack for posting here as well as there. Just getting fed up and want to get back to the way things use to be where there were happy times in the forums and want to cut my posting to a single forum, for gods sake I'm 53 years old and don't need the grief. Do you guys and gals find that you's can't post in a single forum or is this just me? I know quite a few that post on several forums and I have no problem with that at all and I'm not judging , just don't understand how they have time.
Thanks for listening
PS This post will not be posted anywhere else.

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Great White North
My method is
- Big Blue is the "home forum" read daily, progress posted and all questions answered I can
- Model Railroader is used to ask questions if I need the broader audience. Questions answered if required
- Many other fora, read as time is available und close to never something posted

Beside the classic fora became Facebook an important source of information. It can be tailored to collect lots of news from interest groups, dealers and vendors in an easy and quick manner to read. e.g. got Downtown Deco my attention via Facebook.
Anyhow I do not like it's policy and use a synonyme only and post very seldom. Don't look for Reinhard or faraway on fb.... :o
Hi Lynn, Always glad to have you post here! I think people that get bent out of shape because other folks post in multiple forums, or posted something on one and neglected to post in the other...simply don't have enough to do in their lives. I know it can be a small world in hobby forums as I recognize several people from one to the other when I read them.
I don't have the time either so I only visit here and RR-L. I don't do facebook or you-tube or tweet or....................... The people that I know that do multi-forums and social media pretty much don't do anything else. Just my experience your mileage may vary.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I've never had a problem posting on multiple forums. Thing is, if you belong to another forumm, why would you not share your accomplishments with them just as you do with us here? Aren't they equally entitled to enjoy and learn from what you have accomplished? Don't you want them to share their work with you?

Sounds like you need to withdraw from all other forums in fairness to those members.
I would go a little farther and say that now and then I run into a general opinion site that lists "annoying" traits you see in forums, and it typically includes people who make the same post on multiple forums.

I think the general opinion sites that discuss this (covering areas besides this hobby) attribute it to ego, or maybe extreme insecurity. It's certainly annoying.

Different forums have different focus and different levels of talent. I normally post on two or three forums, but I make a point never to post the same post on each of them. That goes for some other guys who do post on several forums. I don't think it's annoying for someone to post one photo or topic on one forum and another on another.

However, that's not the only "annoying" thing people do on forums, but I'll leave it there!
"Multiple posting", "Multiple Forums", - - - - -
My hobby is model building.
I build railroad related models, Sci Fi models, and, Ship models.
There are two forums that I visit, one daily, and the other when I need to,and My daughters (4) have a blogs that I visit daily to see how my grandchildren are doing, and what they are "up to". is my daily forum
Keeper of the, a Star Wars modeling site, is the other one.
The rest of my "Computer time" is spent on email, and research. I'm always looking for knowledge about many things, and I need to keep some time available for my latest projects. My hobby is, after all things, model building.

That said, we are all individuals. We all have some common interests, and many varied interests, that keep our lives active and "new". The internet gives us access to many of the things that interest us, and the ability to share our interests with others. How often we do that, the number of places we visit, what we "say" when we are there, all are simply who each of us is, and what each of us needs. I need to keep the internet time down, so I can work to the level of detail that I do, and still have time for "Family".
Without being specific about age, I was serving my first enlistment in the Navy when you, Lynn, were born. I still have too many projects I'd like to get done, before my days run out.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:How often we do that, the number of places we visit, what we "say" when we are there, all are simply who each of us is, and what each of us needs.

Naturally, there are limits -- most forums won't allow certain language or subject matter, for instance. Other things are a matter of judgment -- Joe doesn't take showers, well, that's just who he is! But it's still annoying, even though it's not against the law!

Some things are marginal -- the Model Railroader forum allows posts by a guy who makes a big deal out of his pet lion. Most people would say this is reckless and even dangerous conduct, and I'm not sure if MR should be giving anyone a forum to celebrate it. (It may or may not be against the law to have the lion, for that matter, again, something MR needs to think about but apparently doesn't.) Some things are definitely bad judgment, and exactly how to handle some things tactfully is an issue overall, it seems to me.
Hey Lynn, what I have found the most helpful is smartphones, they have changed me being too busy to access a computer to being right there in my pocket. Keep the tabs open for each forum and just refresh.

I'm on other forums as well, and when someone has a question and I reply, I am still there if they have another question.

Far as people getting rude that a post isn't updated everywhere its their problem, that's the way they want to act and unfortunately they'll never change no matter what you do

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Hello to you all,i have just registered on this site but have been a watcher for a couple of years so i hope thats ok?
Re. multiple posting,i its all down to you as an individual to decide if you post in several forums,i certainly cant see why someone out there should complain if you wish to post in more than one place, thats your perogative to do so?
All forums have their weirdo's !!! Like the rivet counters at clubs and exhibitions?? Now those realy bug me big style.
One thing that does annoy me though is when someone starts to create an excellent blog ,then stops half way!!!!when you are hooked!!!
I was recently following an excellent blog (not on here) with lots of progress pictures and lots of forum members input when after 13 pages he just stopped posting,AARRGGHHHH.
And then there are ones who love text speak,and the ones who ----*************!!!!!!!
OOOPPPSSS, Like me???
Happy modeling Icon_lol
What its Monday!! Again !!
Hi gwyn68, lurkers are always welcome but we're especially happy when you post and join the fun. Welcome!

On the original subject, it seems to me that restraint and good judgment are admirable qualities. Wasting effort -- a couple of guys wonder how people have the time to put the same post on forum after forum -- isn't really admirable. Saying "lookit MEEEE!" over and over isn't admirable. There are many, many worse things.
Lurkers eh?? could be worse!!!
Thanks Ralph,became a regular "lurker" after following a link to product called Gern !!!
An excellent site.keep it up everyone Thumbsup
What its Monday!! Again !!
jwb Wrote:On the original subject, it seems to me that restraint and good judgment are admirable qualities. Wasting effort -- a couple of guys wonder how people have the time to put the same post on forum after forum -- isn't really admirable. Saying "lookit MEEEE!" over and over isn't admirable. There are many, many worse things.

I don't think that everyone that posts on multiple forums has the "lookie MEEEE" mentality. There are those people that only frequent one or two and just might miss a post or a conversation if it's only posted on a forum that they don't participate in. For as long as I've been on The-Gauge (think Feb. 2003), it's been my primary train forum. True, for the past five years I've had a vested interest in The-Gauge/Big Blue, but even when I didn't, I still rarely posted or even went to other train forums.

As it stands, who is being hurt by someone posting the same thing on different forums? Why is there even a need to care? We all participate in the hobby differently, some need to talk to different people on different forums, some just stick to one or two. Some like to join clubs, others stay at home. Some like to build, others like to run sessions. Who are we to judge who is right?
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
jwb Wrote:I would go a little farther and say that now and then I run into a general opinion site that lists "annoying" traits you see in forums, and it typically includes people who make the same post on multiple forums. One guy who posts here now and then that I would put in the "annoying" category is Thecitrusbelt, who has diligently found every, every last forum out there and posts the same trivial announcements about some layout tour of some obscure part of Southern California on every one (but also including his own Yahoo group as well). All the guys in Sweden and Australia get to hear about it every time. (For whatever reason, the Model Railroader forum seems not to let him post, good call among all their bad ones.)

I think the general opinion sites that discuss this (covering areas besides this hobby) attribute it to ego, or maybe extreme insecurity. It's certainly annoying.

Different forums have different focus and different levels of talent. I normally post on two or three forums, but I make a point never to post the same post on each of them. That goes for some other guys who do post on several forums. I don't think it's annoying for someone to post one photo or topic on one forum and another on another.

However, that's not the only "annoying" thing people do on forums, but I'll leave it there!

Since not everyone visits the same sites, but most everyone is interested in events, posting the same notice on multiple sites is both rational and courteous, and a service to others. Are you proposing a central bulletin board to handle all announcements, or should only those on a specific forum get to hear about them?

The internet is a very big place, and one has to speak up to be heard in all the distance corners.

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