Freelance 2016-2
I am ready for the 1970s and early 80s with brick industries again.

The initial start is as usual a swap of engines, rail and street cars and structures with old Kingmill backdrop buildings. It is not a "layout" anymore but it serves as a testbed for my own imagination. The layout will be transformed lot by lot. No track changes are planned so far. I saved a lot of brick buildings in the basement. That should help to keep the cost at a nice level.

[Image: 26083418900_cfbf1f2551_c.jpg]IMG_4848 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 25753535433_5f2b8a7bec_c.jpg]IMG_4849 by faraway52, on Flickr

My hobby and layout room may be refurbished next year. That would be a perfect event to start a new layout from scratch.

ps. I understood Kingmill is virtually out of business not selling anything else than some software. I bought two sets of backdrops about one years ago just in case and saved it away. Lucky me.
Reinhard,Those old time brick factory buildings really sets the mood for the 30 through the 50s. Every time I see those Kingmill background buildings I wish I bought some and bought a flock of 40' cars. The urban decay of the 60-70s,along with ever increasing maintenance cost and new fire regulations shuttered a lot of those great buildings.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
You may not be able to get those Kingsmill industrial backdrops any more, but it would be well worthwhile getting a set of the Railroad Graphics series CDs from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Http://">Http://</a><!-- m -->. There are 6 currently in the series, and if you can't print suitable backgrounds and buildings from them - you aren't trying hard enough :-). Their page lets you see exactly what is available on each CD. You will need to be able to open Word Documents (.doc) files and also PDF files (Adobe Reader) for the landscapes. I have them all and think they are the BEST!
Reinhard, why don't you set up your layout so that the buildings change out on the same foot print, like Ian Rice's jigsaw puzzle layouts? You can change the era, rolling stock, and scenery through modular scenery and buildings. That way you don't have to vacillate over making final decisions over your layout.

I plan on building my layout with older structures so that I can take photos with older equipment.

You don't necessarily need to use the commercial backdrops. If you go online, you can find all sorts of photos that you can scale for your backdrops
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Step 2 is a trip to the basement and get a bunch of brick industries back for a test fit.
That develops into the right direction. It is what I am after and I am happy the trees and shrubs are still on the layout. Brick and green is a nice contrast. I will try to keep both elements on the upcoming layout.

[Image: 26306782101_157cd90860_c.jpg]IMG_4850 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 25768175304_4ea4739314_c.jpg]IMG_4851 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26280652222_e9b14524e9_c.jpg]IMG_4852 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26306783081_2c9f04325d_c.jpg]IMG_4853 by faraway52, on Flickr
Step 2b, another trip to the basement browsing my gems.
Remember, all buildings are only "put" on the layout to make up my mind.

[Image: 26298671892_dd2ddf0532_c.jpg]IMG_4858 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26365113966_14da5fab52_c.jpg]IMG_4857 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 25788264973_d269dbdf83_c.jpg]IMG_4856 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26365113266_4b95dc846a_c.jpg]IMG_4855 by faraway52, on Flickr
looking good, i'm pleased, i'm not like you, i couldn't pull everything to bit the way you do, but everyone to there own!!

No news. Just playing around with the new theme and making up my mind if I like it.
[Image: 26265993410_1f0b34d738_c.jpg]IMG_4859 by faraway52, on Flickr
I am slowly working on the migration from south east to north east.

- Two buildings (not on the photo) got properly placed on the ground
- The light granite ballast is covered with a thin layer of dark basalt ballast
- The grass has been reduced from tropical to normal green in industrial areas. Trees and bushes are not effected.

[Image: 26040676493_400cb2d2be_c.jpg]IMG_4860 by faraway52, on Flickr
Another global change is toning down the light sandy ground cover to a more moderate color.
Diluted black paint (the simple wall paint) and detergent applied with a pipette on the ground runs nicely under the vegetation and in all corners. I use it similar to wash. Better twice applied than getting nasty solid black spots.

[Image: 26652901505_0dc3f29588_c.jpg]IMG_4862 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26652901115_66f63eb4ea_c.jpg]IMG_4861 by faraway52, on Flickr

Set an old fences 1/2 inch in front of the backdrop to simulate some depth and applied ground cover closing the gap to the track.

[Image: 26050610883_11a92e69c3_c.jpg]IMG_4863 by faraway52, on Flickr
Reinhard, there are sections in the northeast that use structures like what you were using for the southeast. Depending where you are modeling for the northeast, you just have to pay attention to the area codes on signs in your layout. That's a good context to the area that you are modeling.

I would love to see your SW1 with Eastern on it again. That was a nifty little engine.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Mike, I assumed there are areas in the north west that are similar to the north east. Problem is we have been only ones for some days about 30 years ago in the north west. That is not enough to have memories sufficient for modeling that area. What do you mean with the eastern SW1? I have some freelance, CR and BN Walthers SW1.
The layout is currently populated with Boston&Maine engines (Lifelike SW9, Bachmann GP7).
A black wash with up to 50% alcohol has also a nice bleach effect.
[Image: 26588981112_41c9997d88_c.jpg]IMG_4864 by faraway52, on Flickr

Junk and debris
[Image: 26079993493_953c10c9cb_c.jpg]IMG_4866 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26079993403_b6db2084b1_c.jpg]IMG_4865 by faraway52, on Flickr
Nooooo.... I've been away from this for 2 years and you have basically built 4 different themed layouts in that time.... I love the contemporary era on the Freelance 2016-1 too much. Tell me, where can I get a link to your layout plan and room dimensions as the track is now or in Freelance 2016-1?

Just amazing and inspiring work!!!
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Nooooo.... I've been away from this for 2 years and you have basically built 4 different themed layouts in that time.... I love the contemporary era on the Freelance 2016-1 too much. Tell me, where can I get a link to your layout plan and room dimensions as the track is now or in Freelance 2016-1?

Just amazing and inspiring work!!!
Don't worry. The layout is still 4 x .6 meters and no track has been changed since two years. It's all about decoration only. I have no layout plan but posted a series of birds view photos covering the layout some time ago.

How is your layout doing? I missed it!

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