E-paw's Get off yer duff Challenge - Part I
Sturdy-looking little workhorse, Steve. Applause Applause Applause Applause

Very nicely done!!

This is why I love this group. You guys never cease to amaze me. E-paw, I think this 0-6-0 is my favorite locomotive I've seen from you. I was amazed with your other camelbacks, but this one is absolutely stunning.

Thank you gents...she is almost finished. I find that I can give the same complements to the rest of the group here. It's this group that inspires and pushes me to do the best that I can. It's all about having fun and taking a brake from the real world.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Hello all,, time for an update. I installed the all weather curtain for the fireman and finished up the weathering on the backhead. The curtain is made from a tea bag and thread rolled up and glued in place with CA glue.    

Now It's
Tender Tuesday

Now that I know the Led attached to the plastic filter, resistor, pick up arraignment works. I neatened it up and replaced the wire with something a little more flexible. This still left some trouble with the glue not holding well to the plastic lens, I broke it off a few times while working on the frame. My solution for this was good old J B weld.

After the J B weld.    

And it still works.

The underside all weathered up.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
To continue on with tender Tuesday.......The tender trucks are all painted and weathered.    

The fireman was added, weathering finished, coal boards were I installed ( only two installed in the bunker, the rest stored on the tender deck for when she is toped off), And the Coal or "Clum" as in this case was glued onto the foam spacer in the bunker. Clum is a low grade of anthracite, straight out of the mine with little cleaning. It sometimes contained as much dirt and rock as it did coal. It was accost savings measure taken on by the reigns anthracite haulers towards the end of steam. Although it did burn it took extra skill on the part of the fireman to keep up a full head of steam with a tender full of this stuff. In some cases it was mixed with soft coal to improve its qualities.    



 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Lookin' sharp, Steve!

Like you, I view tenders to be just as interesting as the locomotives to which they're attached, and yours, with the fireman almost out in the elements with the coal, is especially able to display such virtues. Very nicely done!
Applause Thumbsup Thumbsup Applause

Thanks doc.. maybe we should start a weekly photo thread called "Tender Tuesday" ?
Complete, in progress, Old photos, or the real thing. Cause tenders are people too and deserve to be recognized for there service. Thumbsup
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Excellent done Steve! Worship Thumbsup Applause

"Tender Tuesday" I am smiling, bue why not? Cheers

Cheers Lutz
The end of this project is almost in sight...

The cab now has an occupant.    

I tried to show how the cab interior came out in this one.    

I finished up the weathering on the business end of this engine.    


 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
One thing that I almost left out was the tenders sight glass. I borrowed this idea from the CNJ. It was common to see this on the CNJ steamers equipped with water scoops, so I figured why not put one on a switcher. It's placed on the engineer's side so that both crew members can see how much they have in the tank.    

I tried to simulate the calcium stains from steam leaks on the appliance mounted on top of the boiler.    

I do like the way the rivet decals worked out on this model, I did do lightly dry brush them to bring them out.    

In this pic you can see that they do match the rivets on the tender well. I also like how the + & - tender leads look like air lines , that was a "happy accident" that just worked out that way.    
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Nice finishing touches, Steve. Thumbsup Thumbsup

The details and weathering is wonderful!
Absolutely incredible. Such a magnificent model.

Since you believe tenders deserve recognition, did you number yours? I always thought it was really neat that the PRR numbered the tenders. As built, the tender was numbered the same as the locomotive it was attached to, but over the years tenders were swapped around. After years of service, locomotives and tenders were not necessarily numbered the same. Examples of this can be found at the Railroad museum of Pennsylvania where A4s 0-4-0 #94 has tender #953. I'm sure this happened quite often, and not just on PRR.

Looking great!!

John Allen used to number the locomotives and put G&D lettering on the tenders for that reason. Great work on the Camelback. It's an awesome model.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Thanks all, I did number this tender as the smaller engines did not normally swap tenders around on the SH&D. Tender swapping was reserved for road engines on the Anna lines where it served a more economical purpose. I actually can swap tenders around to a certain extent, but normally don't, for fear of scratching the paint or braking off some detail part.
The Reading and CNJ took tender swapping to an art form, changing tenders around frequently. This was normally done with tenders of different capacities for engines of the same class. Things like different Stokers, if they had them, and if the engine was equipped with a feed water heater can effect what tenders are compatible with what engines. Also lifting vs. non lifting injectors can sometimes factor in .
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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