Finally, some updates at Dunnville...
#1's been some time since there has been any progress in Dunnville, although I did recently replace the Caboose Industries ground throws with finger-operated springs and positionable switchstands.

However, after removing a pair of turnouts, which formed a crossover for industrial switching, I wanted to extend the platforms at the passenger station, and have finally started on that job.

Here's an over-all view of the extended platform from the south (the station is off-layout for cleaning)...


...and a view from the north  end of the platform extension, with the stairway from the subway hall that runs from the station's two-storey concourse, and under the elevated mainlines...'s a closer look at the south end of the platform extension, with the freight elevator for express and mail loading/unloading.  It's accessed by a separate passageway from the express wing of the station, and also passes under the main line...


...and a close-up of the passenger stairs for access to the platform that's between the two tracks...


There's lots more work to be done on both the original mid-track platform and the new addition, but also about 30' of mainline and industrial sidings which need ballasting and adjacent groundcover. 

Once that's done, all that's left to "finish" Dunnville will be a severely-compressed residential neighbourhood.  Hopefully, it won't take another couple of decades to accomplish, as has been the case with this station.

Work here will continue, with updates and pictures as they become available.

That looks good so far!! Smile Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
YESSS!! SO GLAD to see a NEW UPDATE THREAD Wayne!! 2296_ 

Cant wait to see your updates Wayne Applause . Your layout has ALWAYS been so inspirational to me, EXCELLENT WORK, and great thought put into it Worship Worship  CARRY ON GOOD SIR! Worship

I AM HERE! Icon_e_wink Popcornbeer Icon_mrgreen
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
It's the details that always get me. Like the brass handrails for the passenger stairs are what caught my eye right away. Fantastic work as always Sir!
Unbelievable detail on the stairs.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Very nicely done Wayne. I will look forward to seeing more of this project. The stairs are rarely included on many layouts. Passengers in East Palestine had to walk to the crossing on Market Street to cross because originally there was an iron fence to keep them from crossing directly at the station, and they had to wait on an open walkway for the westbounds 
Thanks for the support, guys.

As you can see in the last photo, the stairs don't actually go anywhere (I might add the top step) but when viewed from the aisle, all that's visible is a small portion of the handrails...a suggestion that there's more than meets the eye, even though there's not.

Well done Wayne!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
(07-13-2020, 12:35 AM)doctorwayne Wrote: Thanks for the support, guys.

As you can see in the last photo, the stairs don't actually go anywhere (I might add the top step) but when viewed from the aisle, all that's visible is a small portion of the handrails...a suggestion that there's more than meets the eye, even though there's not.


it does, seems to go down to the same level as my underground garage does.

Really nice details. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

Applause Applause Applause 
My question; is Dunnville a regular station or only a stop for commuter trains?

(07-14-2020, 02:18 AM)Schraddel Wrote: Dunnville a regular station or only a stop for commuter trains?


It's just a regular station, Lutz, but has an express wing to the left side, and a Canada Post building in the wing on the right side.  The main street-level entrance (not modelled, as it's on the unseen side of the structure) is into a three storey atrium, with ticket offices, baggage check and other railroad-related services on the lower level, while the upper levels are mostly high-end shops and restaurants, a magnet for the well-to-do citizens of the town, even when they're not planning on boarding a train.
The upper stories are mostly occupied by railroad executives and employees, along with some private enterprise.

Here's a view of the express wing...


...and a view looking south, along the tracks, showing the Post Office wing...


Here's another view which shows part of the station in its surroundings...


The actual town of Dunnville, here in southern Ontario, about 25 miles from where I live, at one time did have rail service, but that was years ago.  I've used only the name, as it's a fairly small town with about 6,000 residents, with little industry...not at all similar to my version.
All of the other towns on my layout are also named after real towns, but for the most part, don't bear much resemblance to their namesakes, either. 

That is one nice looking station.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Thanks, Tom.  Icon_e_biggrin

The structure is scratchbuilt from .060" sheet styrene, which I buy in 4'x8' sheets, with the cornices and other trim made with strip styrene from Evergreen.  The windows and doors are leftovers from a kitbash of two Walthers "Front Street Warehouse" kits, part of which is seen in the second photo, with the sign for door 3.


that is an impressive building Icon_e_surprised

That last pic probably shows more buildings and track than I have on my entire layout! Great looking empire you got there sir!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string

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