Another PRR A-5....
....with my thanks to Lutz for both leading the way, and for providing some useful info for my first foray into DCC.

I'm not going to provide a step-by-step  "how-to", as Lutz has already covered the topic rather well.  Instead, I'll merely offer some photos of my progress, with a few comments where they might be useful.  Questions and/or comments are, of course, welcomed.  The kit was donated by a friend, and I built it for another friend.

A couple photos of the running gear...

[Image: 100_8182.jpg]

[Image: 100_8181.jpg]

...and the all-wheel pick-up on the locomotive...

[Image: 100_8291.jpg]

...and tender...

[Image: 100_8292.jpg]

...along with a look inside the tender, where the power wiring is organised ....

[Image: 100_8294.jpg]

...and routed to the decoder...

[Image: 100_8293.jpg]

Here's the tender with its back-up light lit...

[Image: 100_8299.jpg]

[Image: 100_8297.jpg]

Here's the LED which provides the light....

[Image: 100_8305.jpg]

...and a look with it, unlit, inserted into a small hole drilled into the back of an MV Products lense...

[Image: 100_8301.jpg]

The kit came with an impressive amount of brass detail castings, but some were missing, so I used either similar parts which I had on-hand, or scratchbuilt something appropriate.

A few random views of the fireman's side of the loco...

 [Image: 100_8184.jpg]

[Image: 100_8189.jpg]

[Image: 100_8192.jpg]

...and tender...

[Image: 100_8193.jpg]

On the engineer's side of the locomotive, I decided to alter the running board to match that shown in a prototype photo.  The bumped-up area allowed for the installation of a power-reverse, but it also required new mountings for the piping which forms the cooling coils for the air provided by the air pump...

[Image: 100_8183.jpg]

Continued in next post.....

..and here, installed on the mechanism...

[Image: 100_8188.jpg]

Because the model is cast metal, it was easier to drill oversize holes for mounting the small details,  as drilling the zinc with small-size drill bits often resulted in either broken or severely-worn bits.  Once the larger holes were drilled, I used styrene rod about .003" or .004" in diameter greater than the holes, dipping the rod into MEK in order to soften its exterior surfaces.  After a couple-or-three such dips, the over-size rod was easily forced into the under-size holes.  Once it re-hardened, any protruding material was sliced-off and the area filed or sanded smooth.  It was then easy to use a small drill bit (in a pin vise) to drill suitably-sized holes for detail parts, such as the grabirons on the sides of the sand box (dome).

A front view (the headlight lense is not yet cemented in place)...

[Image: 100_8194.jpg]

...and the view into the cab, with its not quite complete boiler backhead...

[Image: 100_8190.jpg]

A few photos of the painted and lettered loco before weathering...

[Image: DSCF6019.jpg]

[Image: DSCF6018.jpg]

[Image: DSCF6021.jpg]

[Image: DSCF6020.jpg]

...and a look inside the cab...

[Image: DSCF6017.jpg]

I took some more photos after adding some weathering, a combination of airbrushed paint and brush-applied artists' pastels...

[Image: 100_8319.jpg]

[Image: 100_8318.jpg]

[Image: 100_8317.jpg]

[Image: 100_8316.jpg]

[Image: 100_8315.jpg]

[Image: 100_8314.jpg]

[Image: 100_8312.jpg]

....continued in next post....
and the rest of the pictures...

[Image: 100_8311.jpg]

[Image: 100_8310.jpg]

[Image: 100_8308.jpg]

[Image: 100_8307.jpg]


Applause Applause Applause WOW! Can i say only.

Wow, and thank you. Great build. And here it is after it was put to work.     
I agree Lutz---another work of art Doctor Wayne  Worship
Lutz, without your prior efforts and your willingness to share information, I might never have completed this project, so my thanks certainly goes out to you!

Great stuff guys!!!!! Wayne, that's top notch work!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Holy Crap! That looks amazing Doc!
I found another photo of an A5 all cleaned up for an exhibition. All I know is it was prior to 1938.     

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