Introducing The PistonBroke Line
Hi Doc, Sorry all ( although it may be a blessing in disguise for some ) I just found out I cannot get access to photobucket anymore, a 403 forbidden message says

You don't have permission to access /albums/bb202/OBJACK/ on this server.

I don't know what I have done to p$%#@ them off, but all my photos on all my posts have gone up in smoke.

A stressfull time is being had here at the moment, Wallbang so until someone comes along with a bright idea on how to salvage the situation, I have tried to contact photobucket to find a solution. Shoot

We shall wait and see.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Maybe something to do with your new computer? Try logging out at photobucket, then log back in. Or, perhaps your computer is "blocking" the site. Let's hope that someone with some computer knowledge comes up with a better suggestion, as that's the limit of my computer "expertise". Misngth

this reply came in this morning:

We apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently making maintenance
updates to the site that may temporarily affect access and/or linking images
from your Photobucket account.

We will be restoring connectivity as quickly as possible.

Thank you hopefully we will have full service again soon.

..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
OBJack, I really like that wooden bridge, aging wood planking accurately is difficult and yours came out great. Cheers I couldn't help but notice an NKP Berkshire passing under the bridge, is that a Proto Heritage model?
Thanks Kanawha, I appreciate you comments.
I think Colouring etc is be my biggest challenge. 357
And yes you have a good eye for locos Kanawha. It is indeed a pro heritage model of a berkshire. It was one of my first ( I don't have many) Locos, and has had its fair share of mishaps, but continues to run, and has a great sound.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Dear Jack
Somehow I missed the hotel pictures. Great job.
We are ready for more pictures.
Hey there fellers,
I knew I had been Missing in Action for a while.... but did not think it was thaaaaaat long.
I have just recently finished sowing my little winter crop, and so the pressure has eased a bit. Now it will be intermittent spraying for the bugs and weeds and worrying what the weather will bring. Confusedhock:

So to get back into the swing of things so to speak,
Here is the next little build I attempted that occupied a bit of time recently.

When I felt another structure coming on..... this is the consequence 35
[Image: 100_2327.jpg]

Here is the obligatory contents of the box
[Image: 100_2325.jpg]

Arrrgh ... yikes, by the look of the amount of instructions that came with it, (next to Zilch ) and my limited ability to scratch build I think we is headed for troubled waters boys.

Jack 219 @#
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
K..... Here are a few pics of where I'm at.

I slapped a bit of paint around to see what the effect is
[Image: 100_2358.jpg]
These will be the two colours I think.

A few walls painted, peeled and joined
[Image: 100_2357.jpg]

A bit closer to see the mistakes
[Image: 100_2356.jpg]
Still trying for the unloved look....... :oops: the window by the door is open.( or broken?)( or not fitted properly more to the point.. Nope )

Then the wharf, which is molded
[Image: 100_2359.jpg]

[Image: 100_2360.jpg]
A bit more painting....
... a work in progress ... The pylons
[Image: 100_2362.jpg]

And a closer and more incriminating view
[Image: 100_2365.jpg]

I s'pose I Just have to keep experimenting with the paint brush until it looks passable from a distance huh? Wallbang

and one more just to keep you awake a wee bit longer
[Image: 100_2366.jpg]

There was no window material with the kit, so I used some goo which makes windows, on the door and the 3 little windows, turned out OK I think, it was a lot easier for elephant hands here to do that, rather than trying to cut out some windows and glue them into that tiny space.

Anywho.... that's about the long and short of it at the moment, Its only a small building but that makes it a bit more of a challenge for these fingers.

Back soon with a bit more...

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Jqack, you are a natural. You have a great eye for the details of weathering. The pylons are done perfectly, but so is everything else.
Thanks Charlie,I appreciate the comments. Please keep coming back, Tongue ....I guess I must be paying you enough then?

Well it is the weekend here and a bit of rain has stalled the plans for the day, so lets get on with a few more pics

:ugeek: Elephant fingers ( Aka Jack 219 ) is back on the job.

OK ......all the walls and doors were put together, and here is how it looked sitting in the land of the large Lilies and other shrubs Misngth

First a tour around the outside,
The receiving door
[Image: 100_2388.jpg]

The stairwell and door
[Image: 100_2389.jpg]
With the selling door open just around the corner

And the main entrance on the land side
[Image: 100_2390.jpg]

Now on with the finishing touches

The roof is on and a few posters on the wall
[Image: 100_2402.jpg]

Plus the window awnings and lights added
[Image: 100_2408.jpg]

The other side
[Image: 100_2404.jpg]

And the front door
[Image: 100_2406.jpg]

And a couple of higher shots to end up with
[Image: 100_2407.jpg]
[Image: 100_2408.jpg]
Looks like I might have to have a go at weathering that "worms" poster.

Ah well, those photos should have clogged your computers up for a while .. 35

Watch out, 'cause there is a few more to come to finish off a bit later.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
OBJack Wrote:Arrrgh ... yikes, by the look of the amount of instructions that came with it, (next to Zilch ) and my limited ability to scratch build I think we is headed for troubled waters boys.

Looks to me as if neither the lack of instructions nor the giant fingers did much to impede your progress, Jack. Two giant Thumbsup Thumbsup for a job well done. Goldth

Cheers Cheers Nothing more need be said..... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Cheers Me too! Very nicely done! That building has a lot of character!! Thumbsup
Believe me....I know about big fingers.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Thanx for having a look and taking the time to comment guys , I think you are rather to kind. But you know how to encourage an old fella to keep trying. :oops:

So after putting all the stuff together, here are the last few photos of the completed scene with all the little added extras.

Firstly the wharf had the pylons added
[Image: 100_2392.jpg]
[Image: 100_2394.jpg]
I gave the lower part of the pylons a coat of gloss medium to try and see if it will make them look wet.

The finished wharf ...crossbraces added
[Image: 100_2411.jpg]

The other side
[Image: 100_2413.jpg]

The front / land end
[Image: 100_2414.jpg]

So there you have it, for better or worse, and it will sit on the water bay-side in the new industrial area to be developed at...... Hmmm..... forgot .... I need a name for the dock area.

Back to work for some.
Me ? I hafta see what's next in the box just crying out to be built. Misngth

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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