Could not post a new topic or reply to an old topic
Earlier today Mozilla Firefox went down, so I switched to Internet Explorer and logged on to Big Blue. I could browse all of the forums on i.e., but there was no
box for either posting a new topic or replying to an old one. I sent Don E-Z Days a p.m. to let him know about the problem. Now a few hours later, Mozilla Firefox is back up and I can post or reply to posts on Mozilla, but I opened i.e. to see if anything changed. I'm logged in on both browsers, but I can only post on Mozilla. On i.e. I can browse only, no posting.
I thought of something else to add. My i.e. is is Internet Explorer 8 with no options. We had a problem with our primary computer where Mozilla made itself our primary path to the web. I could open our old i.e. 7, but as soon as I left the home page it automatically defaulted to Mozilla. The hospital internet connection where my wife works is configured to exclude anything other than i.e. We were at the point where I thought I would need to remove Mozilla, and live with the problems I had with i.e. because my wife could not get to any of the pages she needs to stay up on what is going on at work. I. E. 8 without any options allows us to use I.E. as we did and still keep Mozilla. I don't know if loading options would have any affect or not. Right now it works and I am not going to mess with it. I opened i.e. 8 in another window and went to Big Blue and came to this same post as I type this in Mozilla. I.e. still has me logged in, but it still does not show any "post a reply" or "start a new topic" boxes anywhere. I don't know if this is a helpful clarification, or not. Yesterday was the first time Mozilla has ever crashed for me, and it came back in a few hours.
You should be able to use either browser. You won't get the buttons to post or reply if you aren't signed in. If you signed in with Mozilla/Firefox, IE will have no idea about that. You'll need to sign in again.
I am logged in on both browsers. There is a small "post reply" at the bottom of the Mozilla page. Nothing on the i.e. page.

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