Introducing The PistonBroke Line
The Kramer boys have a good hand making a brand new building look old.... Goldth

Gonna need some water before any fishin' takes place....
Gus (LC&P).

I really need to stop in for a visit more frequently. You have made some serious progress. I love the hotel, and the new wharf district.
I think I am going to abandon hopes of building my own layout and just enjoy the hobby vicariously through your's.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
iis612 Wrote:Jack,

I really need to stop in for a visit more frequently. You have made some serious progress. I love the hotel, and the new wharf district.
I think I am going to abandon hopes of building my own layout and just enjoy the hobby vicariously through your's.

Jack, I have to second what Matt said. I think your modeling is outstanding. Want to come help me once I start on my layout? You at lhe least will be pestered for advise.
Thanks for the comments boys,
Steamtrains Wrote:The Kramer boys have a good hand making a brand new building look old.... Goldth
Gonna need some water before any fishin' takes place....
I will be fishing around to find out the best method of doing large amounts of water soon ST, I have a few dockside buildings to construct so I will have to wait until they be done so I can set a scene. At the moment I have no Idea as to how it will all fit. ..... I know ... a really professional way of building my layout. Misngth
Maybe it's 'cos they be so slooooow at doing it, that it's old before it's time. Bit like me really. :oops:

tetters Wrote:Looks great Jack! How soon before we can go fishing? 219
Ummmm, wait 'till global warming lends a hand? Eek No? OK I will learn how to do some water soon.

Thanks Matt and Charlie,
Charlie B Wrote:
iis612 Wrote:Jack,
I really need to stop in for a visit more frequently. You have made some serious progress. I love the hotel, and the new wharf district.
I think I am going to abandon hopes of building my own layout and just enjoy the hobby vicariously through your's.
Jack, I have to second what Matt said. I think your modeling is outstanding. Want to come help me once I start on my layout? You at lhe least will be pestered for advise.
Now let me see a return plane ticket to the States $2000
a few beers and a good meal $200
meeting some of you Priceless Cheers

You are too kind, I am having fun doing this stuff, there just doesn't seem to be the time.

Well after the painters left we had the poster boys come and put up the signs on the wall, and yep, I think they aged the posters as well....
Just to fit in with the shoddy paint job
[Image: img_0111.jpg]

So I had a peek at all sides to if I was right
[Image: img_0113.jpg]

[Image: img_0121.jpg]

[Image: img_0126.jpg]

[Image: img_0127.jpg]

[Image: img_0128.jpg]

Seems to me I am going to have to teach this camera to focus a wee bit better before the next lot of shots are due.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
At the moment I have no Idea as to how it will all fit. ..... I know ... a really professional way of building my layout.

Jack, you mean there's another way?

Man!!! That's some beautiful modelling!! And great story-telling, too! You ever thought about writing novels?? Your hotel is really cool! My wife and I especially enjoyed all the details. Great work!! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
So at last , the final edition of the Wharf Outfitters building. 2285_
It has taken a bit longer than expected, but that is the building game I guess.

jglfan Wrote:At the moment I have no Idea as to how it will all fit. ..... I know ... a really professional way of building my layout.
Jack, you mean there's another way?
Ha ha, a kindred spirit at last Gary. I guess if I knew where I was going or what I was doing I would miss out on the X factor in both life and layout.

sgtcarl1 Wrote:Man!!! That's some beautiful modelling!! And great story-telling, too! You ever thought about writing novels?? Your hotel is really cool! My wife and I especially enjoyed all the details. Great work!! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
And thank you Sarge, to you and your wife, for taking the time to wade through pages of "stuff" and post those kind comments , I have at last found something that is as pleasurable and stimulating for an old man to do as a replacement for that something that I used to do all night and now take all night to do.
Those Kramer Boys like the Hotel too, I think they be headed for trouble.

For what they are worth a few photos.

Better sit it on the spare wharf we found to see if it will fit
[Image: img_0129.jpg]

[Image: img_0134.jpg]

Seems OK the lights, and a few chimneys and vents were added.
[Image: img_0143.jpg]

And the block and tackle above each door so it seems ...oh and and some cleats
[Image: img_0144.jpg]

Now the doors and a light pole one end
[Image: img_0147.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0616.jpg]

And a crane at the other
[Image: img_0150.jpg]

Overall, the Kramer Boys are glad it's finished ...finally... So with a departing photo and whistling "UP Yours Jack" to the tune of Dixie, they headed off to the next job to renovate the Wills' farm house (I think) Big Grin
[Image: img_0149.jpg]

This is the reason the typing is a wee bit hard at the moment...
... all my fingers are glued together after trying to assemble these little puppies
[Image: IMG_0619.jpg]

[Image: img_0146.jpg]
Whoops! looks like the left side poster needs a bit more work........But the Boys are well gone......about on their third frothy by now I reckon.

Thanks for being with us on this build, and we hope to see you at our next location. Cheers

Jack 219 & the Kramer Boys Cheers
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
I enjoyed both the build and those tales of the Kramer boys, Jack. Thumbsup Thumbsup Looking forward to their next project. Wink Goldth

Once again I am totally speechless. You just let your enjoyment shine through like a million suns.
We are so lucky to have you with us on this forum.
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
:oops: :oops:
Thanks for taking the time to browse fellas, and I'm sorry I have not been around to reply lately but I am in the middle of shearing at the moment and that takes up a large portion of the day.
Usually start the day at about 5.30 am and hit the sack at the end of the day at about 10pm, so not much time for other stuff, but I should be back in a week. Cheers

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
very nice work . Can't wait to see more.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
No need to apologize Jack! Glad to have you back. Thumbsup Cheers
Found out where those Kramers hightailed it to after they finished celebrating the end of the Docklands project.....

Seems they got a call from a fellow called Wills out in the country to build a cottage for a new worker he was employing

They were told to go into the outback to a place called " Warren Flats" and speak to the New Zealander there who looked like the Dude in this photo ...... [Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=170;type=avatar] .... as this was the only record they had that he actually existed...

They told me that they eventually found him, and that he was doing unmentionable things to cows at the time, and that he would get back to them as soon as he had finished. [Image: _utterpoke__by_de_Mote.gif]

Being from the city, the boys did not know that their milk came from cows, but now enlightened , they told me that hereafter they would only put Whiskey in their coffee. [Image: _bluesbrohnoes__by_pickledeer.gif]

After Warren ( his imaginative mother named him after the place where he was born.... "Warren Flats") had finished his hard days grind, he took the Kramer Boys over to the building site and showed them what they had to work with.

What a mess
[Image: img_0154.jpg]

Now... the building calls for asbestos shingle type things for the cladding, and [Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=170;type=avatar] hasn't seen this type of cladding before but decided to give it a go, and as he said ..
.."See what it looks like, 'cause everyone knows that this new asbestos is safe from carcinogens. Nope
[Image: img_0156.jpg]
"Not bad" he says "Might even pass for brick to the uneducated."

So onwards and upwards.. get building
[Image: img_0158.jpg]

So the Kramers finished one wall, and even tho' the mortar lines didn't line up in the vertical plane particularly well, it was a back wall, ..and no one else had noticed 'till Warren [Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=170;type=avatar] said something.

The Boys have now been given the OK to continue work on this little building so that [Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=170;type=avatar] can finally employ (and house) his little female worker, and so ease his workload so he can concentrate on the finer things in life....... wait a minute ...Female worker,... he did not mention female to his mother. Big Grin

This may be one smart dude...

Better come back later to maybe catch a glimpse of this new "Worker"

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
As usual when the going gets tough the tough get going ...
These Kramer Boys don't mind a bit of asbestos (one tough breed of builder) They tell me that they have been working on [Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=170;type=avatar]'s workers cottage, and to prove it they showed me a couple of pics.

:o some walls and a roof!!
[Image: img_0176.jpg]
I note they have even splashed a wee bit of paint around...
[Image: img_0178.jpg]

[Image: img_0177.jpg]

Thumbsup a verandah .... that's NZ for . Icon_lol ...Porch? Icon_lol Patio? Icon_lol Deck?
[Image: img_0179.jpg]

And a laundry at the back
[Image: img_0180.jpg]

[Image: img_0181.jpg]

The roofing goes on
[Image: img_0183.jpg]

[Image: img_0184.jpg]

Oh the speed of it all, I think they be trying to impress the tenants Thumbsup
A bit more paint
[Image: img_0186.jpg]

And the main [i]"little house" takes shape
[Image: IMG_0199.jpg]

And just so [Image: index.php?action=dlattach;attach=170;type=avatar] can remember where his little milking maids :oops: sorry,.. workers will live,....
[Image: img_0213.jpg]

It's been a big day out folks, gotta go and keep an eye on these Kramer Boys so they are not up all night chasing Kangaroos. (or milking maids.)

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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