World's Luckiest Track Inspector
Holy crap! I got this off of the Accu Track Group on Yahoo. Sweet mother of....I would have crapped my pants.
What the hell is this guy doing there? 35 Is this a trainee on his first day on his job? If he does not learn quickly he won’t see his 25th anniversary as a track inspector Nope ...
Something is wrong there. Railroads don't send a track inspector out to work on "live" tracks, especially on a track as busy as that set.
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Something is wrong there. Railroads don't send a track inspector out to work on "live" tracks, especially on a track as busy as that set.

I agee..There would be sufficient time to inspect the track between trains since a work/track permit would be needed..

I smell photoshop.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Must be manipulated. When real railroads send people out to work on the track, they secure the site - slow orders, lookouts and what not.

They don't just have people waltzing straight out onto track busy enough that there suddenly will be no less than three trains (two of them high speed through trains on the two middle tracks) passing through the area at a good clip within 30 seconds.

Brakie Wrote:
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Something is wrong there. Railroads don't send a track inspector out to work on "live" tracks, especially on a track as busy as that set.

I agee..There would be sufficient time to inspect the track between trains since a work/track permit would be needed..

I smell photoshop.

Your skepticism is understandable. I even hesitated to post it myself as I wondered if the footage was real or manipulated. There is much debate on other forums regarding the authenticity of the video and the general consensus is that it is indeed faked. Place a camera on overpass and record footage of trains going by. Then get your actor on the tracks when it is safe to "jump" out of the way. Overlay the two and bingo. A nicely faked near miss.

Still, its pretty "fun" to watch. :o
The scary thing is, assuming that it is faked, is that jumping around between tracks like that is an excellent way to get hurt. You have the combination of loose ballast and steel rails to provide tripping hazards. He took so long to get up the last time he landed that it looked like he got hurt on that landing.

Oh by the way, he definitely isn't a railroad employee. I have never seen a railroad employee anywhere out side of a building not wearing a hard hat on railroad property, and I think most railroads also require a reflective vest to be worn as well.
They would send a whole crew out, not just one guy wouldn't they?
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
My first thought was "edited."
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
I hope its an edited hoax! I'm with you guys who suspect it is. With the timing of the three trains and the last second acrobatics of the "track inspector" the film almost has an old silent movie comic effect. Was that Buster Keaton playing the track inspector by any chance? Smile
Russ, the "hard hat" flew off in the 1st jump, though the low resolution makes everything hard to verify (made to look like a B&W security cam?), but the reactions do seem rehearsed/choreographed. This location appears to be an interlocking, under authority of an operator or dispatcher whose permission and "protection" would be required before any employee "fouling" any track for any kind of work. If the video is legit, the "Inspector" is probably out of that job, and still very lucky! Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."
Based on the physics of his movements, I don't think it is faked. The circumstances to set it up are odd, but his physics are correct...not only how the first train's arrival helps to push him in an unnatural way onto the other tracks, but then how its departure seems to help his momentum pull him towards it as he's landing after jumping clear of the second track.

It looks like the ICE in Germany to me. I'd guess that, presuming it is authentic, someone got fired.

My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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God must love idiots - he creates so many of them. That guy is my candidate for the next Darwin Award.
MountainMan Wrote:God must love idiots - he creates so many of them. That guy is my candidate for the next Darwin Award.

He can only be a candidate if he successfully removes himself from the gene pool BEFORE having any offspring. Misngth

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