Amtrak Northwest
I'm boarding Amtrak in the morning, if it shows up before noon anyway, for a few weeks in the Northwest. I'm ticketed on 49, the Lakeshore Limited, to Chicago and 27, the Empire Builder, from there. My first train is currently running over two hours behind schedule across New York. If I get on the train and have power to watch DVDs on my computer at my seat I don't care how long it takes! Otherwise, it's going to be a long two days. We'll see where this adventure takes me... Anybody up for lunch at Chicago Union Station tomorrow?

If I remember right, you've got at least a 4 hour layover in Chicago. We did a trip from Toledo, OH to Flagstaff, AZ one year for Christmas. Rather than sticking around the station, my wife and I hiked over to Little Italy for lunch. Hope your batteries hold out!
You're taking a train ride and watching DVD's? Where is the fun in that?
Did you see last weeks episode of Extreme Trains?
Looks like a cool trip. Hope you enjoy it.

DVD at night...Observation car by day.
Got room in a suitcase?
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
I missed this one until now. You're already on your journey. I hope you have a great trip Brian. I'd like to hear what The Empire Builder does for Christmas enroute. Do they add something special in the dining car? Safe rails!!

I wish I had had more notice, I would have gladly met you for lunch. Let me know when you are due back through.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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