IC caboose
This is a pair of IC caboose on my Illinois and Southern..One is Atlas the other is a B-man...Weathering is brown and black craft paint thinned with water and calk over sprayed with Krylon Matte Finish which I have found to work as well as Dull Coat and is much cheaper..
[Image: IMG_0699.jpg]
I've always been a little hesitant about spray cans.....usually too much paint, but it doesn't appear like there was too heavy a coat of the "Matte Finish", in your photo.
I have to ask, when the Illinois Central " dropped the Gulf ", didn't that happen fairly quickly for all their equipment ?
The time period from ICG to IC, at least where locos and caboose were concerned, was quite short as I remember.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Illinois Central merged with the Gulf Mobile & Ohio in 1972, becoming the Illinois Central Gulf. In 1988 the name reverted to Illinois Central, and the road was purchased by Canadian National in 1998.

I have always liked the IC orange. Nice work on the cabooses.

S250, I've also been using the Krylon matte spray and like it. You can get a great big can for just a bit more than one small can of dullcote.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Cheers I've always liked the IC too. The orange scheme was one of the influences on my choice of color for my freelanced road's caboose color.

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