The Heck with OPEC..Go with Coal!!!
Found this link, and had to post it. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
The photo of that breaker might be a good reference for modern coal road modelers.
I'm not sure where Mr. K.P. Doran learned his math....In my book, the cost differential ($164.00) between coal and electricity is 23.4%. over the cost of coal, and NOT the 50% he claims...
The other %'s are also way off base....
Personally, I'd rather pay 23.4% more for electricity and not have a coal bin in the backyard.... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
Steamtrains Wrote:I'm not sure where Mr. K.P. Doran learned his math....In my book, the cost differential ($164.00) between coal and electricity is 23.4%. over the cost of coal, and NOT the 50% he claims...
The other %'s are also way off base....
Personally, I'd rather pay 23.4% more for electricity and not have a coal bin in the backyard.... Goldth

Colorado is coal country, so you;re preaching to the choir.

Provided, of course, that you actually have the income to cover that additional 23.4%. An awful lot of Americans are on fixed incomes and take that kind of a hit.

America has plenty of energy to meet its needs; it also has a president who refuses to allow any of it to be used.
"America has plenty of energy to meet its needs; it also has a president who refuses to allow any of it to be used."
Could you elaborate on this..?? I'm aware that the President is actively promoting the use of alternative (non-polluting) sources of energy, but don't recall any ban on the use of any of the traditional sources. Please enlighten me.

As to the cost... I recently changed to a power provider that gets its power from non-polluting sources. The cost is about $0.03/kilowatt hr. LESS than what I had been paying before.
Gus (LC&P).
Hmmmmm, a political debate brewing on the horizon. Keep in mind we have model railroading in common (which is why we participate in this forum) but have very different views about other things. There are plenty of online places to really hash these issues out...but if y'all want to pursue it here, good luck.
I just posted that add because I thought it was interesting, Being the anthracite molder that I am 8-) . I accidentally came across it while looking up info on coal breakers. I didn't expect a political debate or people checking the math Nope .
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Thank God that I decided to stay out of this one!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Steamtrains Wrote:"America has plenty of energy to meet its needs; it also has a president who refuses to allow any of it to be used."
Could you elaborate on this..?? I'm aware that the President is actively promoting the use of alternative (non-polluting) sources of energy, but don't recall any ban on the use of any of the traditional sources. Please enlighten me.

As to the cost... I recently changed to a power provider that gets its power from non-polluting sources. The cost is about $0.03/kilowatt hr. LESS than what I had been paying before.

Since you specifically asked:

Coal-fired power plants are being forced to shut down in order to avoid the increased costs of meeting the EPA's new standards, dictated by Obama's mistaken belief in global warming. We just lost the power plant in Canon City because "it would cost too much to retro-fit it", after yet another major irate increase and more increases to come to pay for the new power plant many miles away. The local plant has explored refitting, but states it will have to raise rates again to even pay for the work, let alone providing power. Lose-lose n that one.

Obama promised to build at least fifty new nuclear power plants in America to reduce the need for fossil fuels. Number built? Zero.

Wind and solar power will not provide more than a mere fraction of the energy needs of America, and hydro-power is pretty much maxed out.

Finally, although Obama encourages other nations, and even loans them money, to drill in the Gulf, he has yet to permit any American oil companies from drilling even into known new deposits. I'm sure you have been to gas pump recently and know exactly how this policy is affecting you. As a consequence, natural gas is going up as well, and the prices of all goods and services are increasing as a result as well. We live in an oil-driven and coal supplemented society.

To those who say that the only thing we have in common on this forum is model trains, I disagree.

We all live in the very real world around us. To avoid acknowledging that fact is the height of folly. We might be First lass passengers on the TITANIC, but it's the only ship we have, and we're all in it together.

Besides, we run our layouts with electrical energy, right?
As to the cost... I recently changed to a power provider that gets its power from non-polluting sources. The cost is about $0.03/kilowatt hr. LESS than what I had been paying before.[/quote]
I operated a hydro electric plant for 14 years before going to the railroad, and when a certain energy companay advertised their power came from green sources I wrote them for the exact breakdown because I was interested. 3 percent came from "green energy", the rest they bought on the grid like everyone else. It wasn't long after that that they stopped advertising in our area.
You're right....Who was to know that the whole of America's power infrastructure (most of it decades old...) would just come crumbling that bridge in Minnesota, the moment a black president took office.....Should'a known...
I'm just glad I won't see the day (nor will you, I presume) when a barrel of oil goes for $300+, and coal will be as scarce as chicken teeth, and a kwhr goes for $1.50. Someone then will maybe regret our lack of foresight in not harnessing the powers that nature could provide, when we still had the chance....
Sadly, our children and grandchildren will see that day....

I'll just go play with my trains now...
Gus (LC&P).
Steamtrains Wrote:You're right....Who was to know that the whole of America's power infrastructure (most of it decades old...) would just come crumbling that bridge in Minnesota, the moment a black president took office.....Should'a known...

I enjoy talking about politics, but once we start accusing each other of racism, I think it means we should take a break. We are all friends here and I would like it to remain that way. I have no problem with discussing politics but I think we should do it in a more polite way
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)
Guys, sometimes in past years I'd hear about a model railroad forum where members posted in heated and angry ways at each other and the threads really got out of hand. I'd log onto them out of curiosity and horrified had an entertainment value similar to watching a hockey fight. I'd be amazed at the way people talked to each other on a hobby forum and then come back here to The Gauge glad that my favorite place to talk about trains wasn't like that. Let's not become one of those forums, OK?

Ralph Wrote:I'd log onto them out of curiosity and horrified had an entertainment value similar to watching a hockey fight. I'd be amazed at the way people talked to each other on a hobby forum and then come back here to The Gauge glad that my favorite place to talk about trains wasn't like that. Let's not become one of those forums, OK?

That is why the two running threads on big blue should be locked and removed. No matter which side you are on if someone says something that you don't agree with politically it will cause a change in your feelings about that party.
It is so hard to keep out of it if someone says something you disagree with politically, and political arguments have never solved anything anywhere. It is hard to avoid the threads for the reasons Ralph stated, and he is in a position to understand this behavior.
I have a Yahoo group that we chat mainly about our white dogs and their antics. We have 75 folks from all political views from all over the world and we are held together with our love for the dogs and each other. We don't discuss religion nor politics, We do talk about everything else. This week alone we saved three dogs from hi kill shelters, that's what we are about.
Let's not ruin a good thing on Blue.
Nuclear is too scary and dangerous (hard to argue with that these days).

Coal/bunker thermal generation is not friendly to the atmosphere.

Wind turbine and solar arrays are not going to supply our energy needs, not even with 100 times the ground footprint they currently occupy. And we don't even know what unforeseen effects they will have.

The forests would be gone in a generation if we resorted to burning them

So, it looks like cooling is going to become the big worry over time. Very cold winters where we live in caves once again. About 2 million of us around the globe I figure.


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