Charlie b's layout
The lower track is also my programming track. There is a 18 inch section that is fed with a dpdt switch so I can run on it and reset everything if needed. You can see the insulated joints probably too easily.
Charlie B Wrote:The lower track is also my programming track. There is a 18 inch section that is fed with a dpdt switch so I can run on it and reset everything if needed. You can see the insulated joints probably too easily.

I've got this set-up as well, although my prog track is incorporated into the yard lead that goes to the engine house... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
SNOW DAY!! Good day to work on the pike. I installed another tunnel portal and finished the south cliff face.            
Of course when you post a picture you see some areas that need touch up, like the bloob of stuff near at the top of the portal on the left side. Goldth
The camera is the best teacher we have.
Hi group
As you may surmise I am in need of some serious quantities of ground foam. I would have to sell my trains in order to buy the quantities I need.
I have an old food processor that has been doing a great job, but getting any quantity of finely ground foam was taking a long time.
Years ago I had ground some using a bench grinder with a wire wheel and it worked very well, but spread foam all over the place even trying to catch it in a large cardboard box. I had a large piece of egg carton type green foam and a small wire brush for my drill so I figured I would try using it on the foam.
You have to be very careful and run the drill very slow, and don't take a big bite and it works quite well to make fine foam.
I found it works best when you hold the brush parallel with the foam, it doesn't catch as often. I also left the brush a little loose in the chuck so it would slip when it caught. Remember clamp the foam on the side of a large container so you have both hands to steady the drill, and don't run it fast. It will catch no mater how careful you are so be careful, and in 20 minutes I made a 3 pound pretzel container full of foam.    

If you don't have green foam I would color it and let it dry before using this method. Go slow, be careful and it works like a charm.
Charlie B is a genius! Thumbsup
I forgot to mention the large chunks of foam left over really grind easy when they get in the food processor. this is done by putting small pieces in and adding some alcohol, water, and then I add craft paint to color it, then on a screen to dry. After they dry I run it through the food processor again to fluff it up.
I even had good luck using it wet, and since I really soak it down with window spray, and the dilute white glue it actually takes less spray. Goldth
That's an excellent technique that I may have to try Smile
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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great idea Thumbsup Goldth Cheers
greeting from the blade city Solingen / gruß aus der Klingenstadt Solingen


Scale Z and N
The layout's looking good Charlie! Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Way to go Charlie!!! That's a great supply for ground foam...and cheap...the way we like it! Thumbsup :mrgreen:
Ralph Wrote:Way to go Charlie!!! That's a great supply for ground foam...and cheap...the way we like it! Thumbsup :mrgreen:

I'm not cheap all the way, but there are some things I can't do so I buy them, but I can grind foam, and I have a lot that I got for free, and 3 bucks worth of craft paint will color loads of it. I can also screen ballast, I got plenty out of the 5 dollar pick up load. I have given ballast to 4 HO modelers and I gave a buddy that is in O gauge a hundred pounds of "O" scale. I have about 500 pounds of HO course and fine left.
I have a large amount of polyfiber material, all I need is some cheap glue to glue the foam to it. The 3M "77" is getting out of hand price wise.

Cheap Chuck Cheers
For gluing I use either Elmer's white glue or really cheap hairspray.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Well, I used up some of the foam today.                
It started to snow here about an hour ago. we could see 3-6 before it is all over so I guess I have to work on the trains tomorrow too. Goldth
Nice! I especially like that scenic third photo with the cars and road. Man, in some of your pictures your layout looks like it goes on for miles! Thumbsup
Ditto what Ralph said ! Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string

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