Thinking of writing some articles
Thought I would let the powers that be know I am toying with writing some articles, probably with the title - Door Knocker's Meanderings. My uncle was a "door knocker" for CN, his first job after he dropped out of 6th grade. He retired a CN engineer, first out of Jasper Alberta, then finally Edmonton. A door knocker is a kid on a bike who went to tell the engineer he was being called up for a job, this before telephones; in Jasper phones came late, roughly 1957, where my uncle grew up.

I am thinking of writing an article roughly every two weeks and putting it in the Layout forum. I am doing this for a few reasons, turns out even though I hated term papers in college back when Jesus was in diapers, I enjoy writing otherwise. Secondly I enjoy writing about model railroading in general; I was the one who started the concept of the "Layout Party" over at Trainboard, the first 4 or 5 were run by me. Lastly it will be my way to support The Gauge and possibly bring new people in and help maintain your vibrant community.

Finally I am very active on the Atlas forum, but The Gauge is a forum venue that enables threads to hang around longer, since posting is divided into so many categories, unlike Atlas that has four forums. So when I write something, it will be around for a while for all to see.

I am also considering writing some model railroad short stories, all one long series. I have two written currently and am planning on more.

Thought I would give you a heads up to let you know what I am doing so you weren't caught by surprise.

Rick Nicholson
aka: rsn48
Great Idea!! --- PM sent Smile Big Grin Smile Big Grin Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Like that idea, it's always interesting to see somebody do this. One thing you might consider is putting it in our "Blog" forum. That's one forum that doesn't move very fast so you can be assured that anything you post there won't get lost. I do understand in a fast-moving forum like Atlas that a post can go to the second page in less than 24 hours. I haven't posted anything in my blog for over two years and it still is on the first page. The forum does appear in "view new posts", so those that use this to look for new posts and threads will have it show up there.

Another thing you might consider is to submit an article for the next edition of the Big Blue eMag. There's still time for that.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Sounds like a good idea to me! Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Cheers Thumbsup Thumbsup


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