Charlie b's layout
Dave, We had to add a pusher for one of the reasons the prototype does, and that was so the strain of the trailing cars did not pull the coaches over on the curves. What you may have seen in the picture was a pusher on a mail train, however, I don't know of any rule that prevented them from a pusher on a passenger train unless there was a restricted car in the train. Many cabooses were not permitted to be shoved by helpers so they were put on the back of the helper.
I can't find any images either, but even if it was against the rules, somewhere somehow in all the years Pennsy struggled on the hill you can bet there was a pusher giving a helping hand.
Charlie, I don't think it was against the rules, just a practice to be avoided if at all possible. As for the cabins, I believe it was forbidden to shove against any 4 wheeled cabin (aka bobber) and any cabin that had a wooden underframe.

Sorry it's been so long, my friend. I was just in your area. My driving area has switched from west to east. I rarely have time to take in the sights, but if I do get time and I know I will be in the area I will drop you a PM here.
Your layout is absolutely incredible. I look forward to the day that I can get some work done on mine, maybe it will look 1/4 of the quality that you are turning out.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Hey Matt, I'd be glad to meet you for a coffee. I'm not too far south of the Ohio rte 7 exit on the Ohio turnpike (below Youngstown.)
You can visit too, but I am assuming you are driving a rig and I wouldn't want to put one in here. Probably never get back out..
I got a chance to add another video today. I've been doing some repairs to some cars that have been packed away for 20 years. I'm amazed but most of the missing parts turn up. It's good to see a lot of these cars. More to come.
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I love it to watch videos of other Big Blue layouts! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Charlie---I'll bet you have as much rolling stock as most Class 1 railroads Icon_lol --- really like your new avatar
cn nutbar Wrote:Hi Charlie---I'll bet you have as much rolling stock as most Class 1 railroads Icon_lol --- really like your new avatar
Mary did the Avatar She did a drawing of Bonnie so I stole it for my avatar.
I have a lot of cars, but not that many from one road. Most of the home road cars are out on foreign lines.
I just uploaded a Christmas Eve slide show of the layout as it is tonight.
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Merry Christmas to all.
New years video of the California Zephyr.
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Hi Charlie---another classic.I really wish I lived a little closer to you as I have a couple of my trains that I would really like to run on your beautiful layout.
Wow , that is one huge layout ...must have taken you atleast a couple of months to build that 357 357 357 357 357 Worship
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
cn nutbar Wrote:Hi Charlie---another classic.I really wish I lived a little closer to you as I have a couple of my trains that I would really like to run on your beautiful layout.
It's only 5 hours. I keep the light on for you.
teejay Wrote:Wow , that is one huge layout ...must have taken you atleast a couple of months to build that 357 357 357 357 357 Worship
Well Teejay, coming up on 3 years since we started the building. The first track was laid July 26, 2010. I am moving fairly well, but still a long way to go.
I have had a pretty good week with the trains. Railcop was over on Friday and we made some wall castings for his layout, and when we were done I just left things out, so Saturday I went to making more castings. I did another 4 batches which is 28 more wall sections. Some are stone and one mold is the concrete shoring they used along soft facings of cuts.
Since I was in work mode and about out of plaster I decided to work on a building that was a hardware store/warehouse. I had all ready made a wooden mock up     and following in Gary S's footsteps I thought I would try gluing styrene brick to it.
The building is a very odd shape     and I am guessing the indentation in the building was an outside freight elevator. It's the right size to hold a freight wagon or two, so I am just going to go with the theory. In addition to Hardware, the pottery that was nearby used the upper floor for a warehouse. Here is what I have to work from picture wise    
Here I have glued the brick to the side and added a couple doors in the elevator shaft    
I printed some pictures to put behind the window openings and glued some DPM modular building parts to the ends that will face the street on one side, and and alley on the other..    

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