GEC's Orphan Challenge
Well time is running short, but I hope I'll have something to show for this project before the 15th. School has absorbed all of my time for the last few challenges, and I still need to get that GP40P project back on track (that locomotive is particularly important to my modeling efforts).

That said, this Arrow I has been sitting here since before TJU got intense. As I noted on my layout progress thread, I've already got floor/underframe mold ready to go. The only reason I'm hesitating on making a cast, is some of my casting resin is getting VERY old, beyond its designed shelf life. It has worked for some small parts, but I don't know how well it will work for large casts. Besides, I should be able to get a few cars out of the casting resin I've ordered, with 4 cars being the minimum i'd like to shoot for, with maybe one or two kitbashed into a Comet 1B, if possible.

I have already placed the order for the new casting resin batch, as well as another pound of the High Strength 2 (HS2) mold rubber. As along as I can get good casts from these molds, i'll consider this challenge a success, even if I don't get around to painting and assembling them.

The molds setting a few days ago. The underbody is on the left, the body shell, the right.

[Image: P8311141.jpg]

I packed in the molding clay along the edges and the windows of the body shell (and then filled the inside of the shell with paper towels to keep the pressure up). I pressed the clay onto the "base" of the mold box, and folded/sealed the box around it. 2 lbs of the HS2 were barely enough, but I was able to squish the box together while it was setting, and cover the master completely.

[Image: P8311140.jpg]

[Image: P8311139.jpg]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

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