Car Exchange: Jersey Mercantile on the LF&NW
The Jersey Mercantile empty is going to American Tool & Die in Woollett for a load of machine tool parts. Woollett is the next important station west of Zenith. Depending on the day, it's served either by the main line local that covers the whole main line, or by a turn from Zenith. Today it's going via the Woollett Turn. This is normally a New Haven, Boston & Maine, or Boston & Albany job. A New Haven RS-3 and caboose will work it today.

However, Zenith Yard is a cramped, outdated facility, and some switching has to be done on the main line. The yard switcher, an L&N RS-3, spots the JM box with a V&O box also going to Woollett and then pulls away to make room for the Woollett Turn's power:
[Image: Xchange_Jersey_Mercantile_3.jpg]

[Image: Xchange_Jersey_Mercantile_4.jpg]
The power and caboose for the turn move into sight. However, Zenith being the place it is, things aren't that simple. The two boxcars are going to be shoved to Woollett, and to get into position, the loco and caboose will need to run around them via the Zenith Connector, a loop that goes north of downtown:
[Image: Xchange_Jersey_Mercantile_5.jpg]

[Image: Xchange_Jersey_Mercantile_6.jpg]

More photos to come!

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