Removable extension how-to's?
I made a single track removable section. At one end I cut back the roadbed 4-6" and made the removable bit to fit in. I made it with a wooden bottom and a small ledge that tucked in behind the end piece of the benchwork. I built up the roadbeds to match and laid track. The track on the main layout was soldered to brass screws to keep it solid, and the rails aligned with rail joiners.
At the other end, I didn't cut back the roadbed, mainly because I had a lot of room under it (the removable section had a 2% grade over 9 feet), but still the ledge to hold it in. Same track arrangement.
The wiring was set so that there was a feed from the removable section to a couple of feet of rail on the main layout, backed by a connection through a 1/4" phone plug and socket.
I covered all this in a thread about 10 years ago on the old gauge, which I haven't been able to import.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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