Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
Dear All.

A sketch plan of the layout which I've named 'District 22 - Downtown L.A.' :


Size: 76" x 30"
Gauge: HO
Track: Scratch Built
Control: DC wired with live frog principle so also possible to use DCC. Powered by Black Cat Technology Feedback LC-101 controller via a single unit Gaugemaster transformer (I'm assured this gives excellent slow running qualities).
Turnouts controlled by Peco point motors on Peco part no. PL-12 sprung bases, via wire-in-tube.
Loco: Bog standard Bachmann GP38-2 in Chessie livery (the aim is to turn this into a weather beaten patched loco).

Think that's about it really.


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