What made you choose....
The Adobe Flats Municipal Railway is set in a generic southwestern theme in the 60s.

Southwest because on my first visit as an adult to New Mexico in 1997 I fell in love with the scenery.

60s because I remember as a kid sitting at a rail crossing as a train went by reading the boxcars and thinking of all the places they represent.

The town of Adobe Flats is so named because it was mentioned in the movie "Bad Day at Black Rock" and I just liked the sound of it. The other town on my layout is Mountain Gap. My Fair Lady inadvertently named it while we were traveling in Colorado and she said something about "that mountain gap over there." I looked at her and said "You just named the other town on my layout."

The outdoor layout is the Backyard and Southern, so named because it's in the back yard and is on the South side of the house.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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