Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
faraway Wrote:A wonderful demonstration of the arts of soldering and patience Thumbsup I hope you plan to add a roof/cover/skin that permits still a good view at this fine art work.

Very kind comments, Reinhard, thank you.

Once I'd given it some thought, it was quite a simple exercise in repetition and I spent a rather pleasant summer out in the garden enjoying the bird song without having to inhale those noxious solder fumes.

I'm rather pleased with the results and the question of whether to glaze/cover the roof is a bit of a quandary. I've considered almost every option from just glazing the side pieces and the front panels to leaving the whole lot open. I think the solution lies somewhere between both extremes. As my chosen time period is early to mid sixties London Midland region, I can get away with a piecemeal glazing approach as a number by this time were starting to become derelict, and having sustained damaged glass panels, British Rail lacked the wherewithal to repair them. This would then give me the excuse to still see some of the trusses from above and provide a tantalising glimpse of the trains at their platforms below.

Finally, the intention is to extend the roof, as many Victorian stations were once rolling stock got longer e.g. London Euston, using kit bashed parts from the Dapol station awning kit (approximatley eight kits will be required). This will be almost totally glazed - a little easier than glazing the metal structure - although most of it will be obscured by heavy weathering to represent soot stained station rooves (oh those dirty ol' steam engines!).

Thanks for your interest,


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