joefryfry's layout - The Waynesburg Southern
I've been working on the railroad. Since my last post, I rebuilt the simplist of layouts. Just two parallel tracks in a loop with a hill and tunnel. I've figured we are going to be moving in a year or two and the layout has just been sitting with just the track laid and ballast done with a hill and double tunnel. Work takes up most of my time most of the year. I had some time this holiday break so I decided if I ever wanted to see a finished layout, now is the time, so I have been going nuts on it. As soon as I get the fascia painted, I will be taking and putting up some pics of my "finished" layout. It is pretty much done except for fixing some small details and adding details, which of course could go on forever. I've built 4 or 5 or 6 layouts, but only to getting the ballast done before tearing it down. My wife ribs me about that so I'm happy to get this one "done". The lesson learned here for everyone who can't get over the hump is this: part of the reason we don't get going is because we are unsure of how to proceed or are afraid to make mistakes. I've just went for it and I'm pretty pleased at the outcome. In the interest of time I have some cheap Model Power buildings, that my mother in law thought were good toys for Christmas gifts, and some cheap trees and some cheap woodlands scenics handmade trees that I put on. I have to say the super trees I made look real good, especially compared to the woodland scenics armature type ones that I had sitting around that I placed on the layout as well.
"You did NOT cut a hole in the wall for the train, did you?" - the wife
The Waynesburg Southern
Blue Mountain Aerial Mapping

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