Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)

For those who suspect I may have lost interest already I post the following Wink

One aspect of the build that has been bugging me for the last couple of days relates to the points at either end of the main track bed where the Setrack curves join the scratch built (SB) turnouts. Constructed of rails of different codes (Code 100 Setrack - Code 75 SB), I'd a couple of methods in mind for joining the two e.g. overlapping soldered joints or butt joints soldered to brass screws. However, whichever method I chose, the head of the Code 100 track would require 'filing' to match the thinner width of the Code 75 - this would be exacerbated by the quite tight radius of the curve AND the fact that the SB track and the Setrack are of differing heights; and all within the viewing area.

The solution, as far as I could see, would be to transfer the joins in the track to the 'out of view' area i.e. behind the back scene. To that end, I have replaced the first Setrack curves (where they join the scratchbuilt track) with handbuilt ones:


I'd intended to join them to their neighbours (the next piece of curve) via overlapped soldered joints, however, in a moment of distraction I went and snipped off the excess Nope
I shall, therefore, solder the rails either side of the joints to brass screws and then 'feather' the rails accordingly.

One bonus of all this was that it allowed me to address a further matter that had been bothering me: to date, I'd yet to test the clearance of the guide rails (fitted in hindsight, you may recall, to the turnout at the exit from the canyon) with the locomotive (a car bogie goes through unhindered). If you recall, the flangeways were like canyons out of necessity owing to the courseness of scale (and my track building skills aren't the best Nope ), however, it still bothered me. Anyway, after wiring it up briefly to the controller, evrything was fine and my concerns were unfounded. Still, I'll keep an eye to it.

Regards for now,


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