Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
faraway Wrote:
monte Wrote:... the head of the Code 100 track would require 'filing' to match the thinner width of the Code 75 ...
I would expect to find exact the same distance between the rails of Code 100 and Code 75 tracks. I think that is what makes the H0 gauge (16.5mm)?
However, I did never hand lay any tracks and it is pure speculation.

Spot on, Reinhard.

The gauge of 16.5mm remains the same for both, however, the code 100 is not only higher than the code 75 but also wider. Therefore, the width of the head of the rail would have to be thinned down which would be apparent when viewed end on, as would be the case here, so postponing until out of view wouldn't matter.

I hope that makes sense :?

Thanks for your interest, Reinhard.


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