open top loads
I fooled around with some different materials for open top loads the other day and came up with this. The whole thing took about an hour to put together, and overnight to dry. I'll post some pics to see wach y'all think.

First up is a scrap metal load.     It's made from a foam board base painted light brown with rust glued to it. The rust came from cleaning out the ARHS F-3b a few weeks ago at Steamtown. I felt that the rust would be a fitting load on my layout.

Next is a load of real anthracite coal .     This car has a shaped block of foam painted black, and covered in Blue Coal from Ashley PA. That there is the real stuff, so it better look good. Compare it to the load in the next car.

    This one is constructed the same , but I covered the foam core with glass beads used as a sand blasting medium. It is some what more shiny and a deeper shade of black then the real stuff.

All of these loads have a washer imbedded in them so that they can removed easily with a magnet.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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